Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Apr 23, 2012
Views: 31912
Kallukadi: Jewish father and Syrian child .
A]IÀjXm t_m[w cp \nebnemWv km[mcW DmImdpÅXv. H¶v, Ignhpmbn«pw AXp Xncn¨dnbmXncn¡pt¼mÄ. cv, IgnhptISpIÄ kzbw Xncn¨dnbpt¼mÄ. BZys¯ I£n Imcyw Xncn¨dnbpt¼mÄ {]iv\¯n\v ]cnlmcamIpw. cmw I£n IgnhptISpIÄ adbv¡phm\pÅ {ia¯nemIpw ]et¸mgpw. CXv aäpÅhÀ Xncn¨dnbpIbpw ]et¸mgpw aäpÅhÀ¡v AtcmPIambn amdpIbpw sN¿mdpv. cmw KW¯nÂs¸« Hcp I£n Ct¸mÄ XncphÃbnepv. aäpÅhcpsS A¸\p hnfn¡pI, PmXnt¸cv ]dªv Bt£]n¡pI XpS§n ]eXpw A]IÀjXmt_m[¯nsâ `mKambn sN¿mdpv. aäpÅhscÃmw Xs¶ henbh\mbn ImWWsa¶pw Xm³ sXäp sNbvXmepw AXv icnbmWv F¶ aäpÅhÀ AwKoIcn¡Ww F¶papÅ at\m`mht¯mSpIqSnb Cu Bim³ s]s´t¡mkvXp I¬h³j³ ASp¡pt¼mgpw Atacn¡bnse s]s´t¡mkvXp tIm¬^d³kpIÄ hcpt¼mgpw s]s´t¡mkvXpImc\mbn AhXcn¡p¶p. AÃm¯t¸mÄ Xncpta\nbpw A¨\psams¡bmWv icnsb¶v FgpXpw. sbcpitew bm{X kwLSn¸n¨v _p²naps«ms¡ amdnb I£n Atacn¡³ hnkm kwLSn¸n¨Xnsâ clky§Ä \m«pImÀ AdnªXnsâ ssh¢_y¯nemWv. C\n Atacn¡bv¡v t]mIm³ H¯nsæn IpSntbdm³ Hcp CSw tXSn \S¡pt¼mgmWv kpdnbm\n {InkvXym\nIÄ blqZ·mcmsW¶ Ip]nSp¯¯n\v Hmim\ ]mSn cwK¯nd§nbncn¡p¶Xv. C\n bn{kmtb Kh¬saâv I\nªv Hcp Ønchnk \ÂIpw F¶v {]Xo£n¡mw. sXmen¡«n aÕc¯n ImmarKs¯ tXm¸n¡phm³ Bfpv F¶v sXfnbn¨ Cu alm\v sXmen {io AhmÀUv \ÂtI Imew AXn{Ian¨ncn¡p¶p.
ASn¡pdn¸v: acp`qanbn ]YnI³ Bizmkambn acp¸¨ Is¯p¶Xpt]mse bn{kmtb GXmbmepw Ct±l¯n\v acp¸¨bmbnamdp¶p.
"Deepasthambham mahascharyam namukkum kittanam panam"
The famous comment is related to the occasion, when the king of Ambalapuzha , installed an imposing deepasthambham (huge, artistically carved pillar with hundreds of wicks, usually seen at the entrance of temples) and challenged the poets in his kingdom to recite poems on it. The Royal Poets, even though they never travelled beyond Ambalapuzha , sung that there is no comparison for King’s light house, nobody can spare it in the entire world. So, king was so happy to hear the blind appreciation and he gifted many things in return. When it came to Nambiars’s turn, He thought of ridiculed the Royal poets, by his witty couplet as above:
Roughly translated, this oft quoted couplet means 'The deepasthambham is a real wonder and even, I should also get my money".
The Current Pentecostal scenario as above.