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ewamhpw D]tZinamcpsS Iocpw

Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Apr 23, 2012
Views: 19233

Transfer of pastors and their tears.
tIcfnse {]apJ s]stmkvXv k`Ifnsemw CXv eamns kabamWv. Ign ew FUntmdnb CXpambn _sp ImcyfmWv FgpXnbXv. Fm hnhn[ k`Ifn \np dntmpIfpw ip{iqjImcpsS IZ\IYIfpw AdnbpXp sImv hopw ewamspdnv FgptXn hncnpIbmWv. Cu {]mhiys ewamn Ghpw IqSpX IpfambXv Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tnseXmWv. A[nImcm\fn kzm[o\w Dh A\lambn IqSpX hcpam\ap k`Ifpw hntZi k`Ifpw ssIhiamnbtm t\XrXzn kzm[o\anm Alcmb ]ecpw Xgbsncnpp.

Nv Hm^v tKmUns Ncn{Xn CXphscbnm {]hWXI Cu {]mhiys ewamhpambn _sv Dmbncnpp FmWv apfpgbn \np dntmv. Xncph\]pcs henb hcpam\ap k`bn \nv amdphm a\nm D]tZin AhnsS \npamdmsX ASq skdns NpaXe GsSpncnpp. Unkv{Snv ]mdmbn {]tamj Inphm Ctm Ccnp k`bn \nv amdWsa Iogvhgw ewLnv IpgeqpIm AhnsS Xs Unkv{SnIvSv hn`Pnv Uo]namcmIpp. hntZiv ZoLhj ip{iqj sNbvXnv \mnsenbh henb k`bpw skdpw ssIhiampp. Iukn AwKambnv aqpamkw XnIbm hyn Iukn AwKsa ]Zhn Zpcp]tbmKw sNbvXv hntZi k` kwLSnnpp. sk]vw_dn am{Xw `cWw hntS ]m Fw. Ipn ewam hnjbn Nnep thn CSs]SpIbpw Amhpthn Hpw sNmsX \nklmbX {]ISnnp amdn\n¡pIbpw sNpp. \nbpHmhknbdmIs Rm A[nImcw Gnmsb an Hgnpamdpp. Iuknense Nne tem_nI XfpsS Xmev]cyġv am{Xambn \nesImpp. CXn\nSbn Inmhp m\am\ Nne ASnsSppp. CXn\nSbn Io IpSnpXv Bcpw ip]mi sNm Cm ]mhw D]tZinamcpw.

sF. ]n. knbnse IYbpw GXmv CXpt]msesbms Xs. tImbs Hcp {]apJ k`bn Ibdnphm k`bnse BfpIsf kzm[o\nv ip{iqj GsSp hyn Hcp hjw IgnbpXn\p apv Xs P\d Iukn {]apJsc kzm[o\nv K^ntev tNtdn. Ccw kzm[o\hpw Ipgeqpw \Sphm Ignbm ]mhfmb D]tZinampthn hmZnphm Bcpanm Ah. m\am\ kzmbvmbn D]tbmKnph Hcp Imcyw a\nempI. cp Xcnep Afhv AwKoIcnm Hcph Dbcnepv. Ah Aan Ipepn Ihnbp Afhv aSnbn Afp Xcp \mfn \n ""A[nImcnI'' Aw hnfnt kmlNcyw DmImXncns.


Displaying 6 Comments
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samkutty (May 6, 2012)
good article.

cogpastor (April 27, 2012)
pr. samkutty; i appreciate for ur editorial. good work.

but as an editor of the famous christian paper in kerala u want to write the reliable news.

there is some games going on in regards of transfer in cog. but it doesn't means all the transfers is like that. before the cog election; believers journal publish a supplement related to election; it said that pr. kunjappy is one of the best overseer in church of god.....(it includes color photo and one page interview).

the next week u and ur paper said that; kunjappy is rubbish. as a newspaper which side u are?

as a ipc pastor; just think about ipc politics... and tell me which one is better.

when ipc council divide constituency for the election what happen in the council meeting? why u didnt publish that?

im not justyfying any church politics... i hate all the politics..

as a bold news paper just stand against all the evils like this politics..

a. s. mathew (April 25, 2012)
very commendable editorial exposing the dirty

tricks of the church business. believer and cog member; great and strong comment, keep on writing.

from the western countries, missionaries like william carey-amy carmichael-sam higginbotham-v. nagal-ida schudder-graham stains-e. stanly jones-edward noel-rev. cook-henry martin-benjamin baily etc

went to india, suffered a lot of personal pains to spread the good news of salvation. our forefathers and ourselves were blessed with the gospel, but what we see just the opposite in the church world today.

simply touching the whole protestant denominations of kerala:

they have all changed into the new format of strict business

mentality of string pulling-money game-kick backs-corruption etc.

the kerala relgious hierarchy is

systematically using the people of kerala migrated to different parts of india and world as milking cows. now everywhere money talks and god is silent.
believer (April 24, 2012)
Good work Pr.Samkutty. As a pastor in COG, your boldness to write down the facts are highly commendable. It looks like it has become a norm, where pastors who are godly, faithful, hard working, older, spiritually disciplined have been ignored due to many reasons in many of the big churches in India, Middle East and USA. I can mention few of the reasons i have seen&prominent in the churches today. 1. Divide&rule2.No older pastors, as committee finds it hard to make them a puppet but they say after 50 no energy, which is a false argument 3. Education &English (As an educated person i c the point, but i would never use it to disqualify an experienced pastor who have served the Lord, his whole life4. Shouldn be overzealous about Holiness,Evangelism etc 5.Should not question the ungodly ways of influential people in the church.6. All you need to do is just preach good 7. We are a rich church so we need good personality.(Jesus, Disciples, Apostles wont qualify due to above reasons)
cog member (April 24, 2012)
dear pastor. you are courageous to bring out the truth. really appreciate it. we have pastors in cog who have faithfully served the lord for decades and are still struggling in diff ways, yet god is faithful to lead them in miraculous ways. i really salute those pastors. i am already seeing the new council members working in unethical ways using ungodly ways for their personal gain. i am sure it was a misunderstanding(pastors were desperate to see new group to come into power, but did not guess they would become worse than previous) from the side of pastors for electing these chattambis to the council. praying that a revival will happen in cog. unless the new overseer elect takes drastic steps to take the church back to prayer, fasting, evangelism, and a proclamation for a spiritual renewal like in the days so king josiah, our church will be torn apart by power hungry and greedy believers and pastors. people of god lets call and cry together.
cherian,rannry (April 24, 2012)
good editorial.sathyam parayuvan dhairyam venam.keep it up.god blss you all.
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