Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 21, 2013
Views: 19100
Again with American Viseshangal.
Hcp sNdnb CS-th-fbvp tijw Ata-cn- hnti-j-hp-ambn }}Rm Fp-I-bm-Wv. Ata-cn- hnti-j-sa-m Cu ]wn-bn Ata-cn--bnse hntijw am{X-a Fgp-Xp--Xv. {]hmkn ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS KrlmXp-c-ap-Wp Hm-Ifpw A-c--fm-Ip-p.
{]tXy-I-amb Nne kml-N-cy-fpw k-fpw \nan--amWv _neo-thgvkv tPW sNbam m\w Xm¡m-en-I-ambn Dt]-n--Xv. ]n. kn .F. F. sI.-bp-ambn _-sv {io. n. Fkv. _me Dm-nb A\m-h-iy-hn-hm-Z- hmb-\-mdn-bm-a-tm. t]meokv tIkp-I-fpw `oj-Wn-I-fp-ambn {io. _me tPW ]{Xm-[n-]s-Xnsc Xncnp. H-ap-m-bn-cp Nne CXn-s\mw Hmi sNbvXp. Ch-cpsS Dw Rm\m-bn-cp-p-shv F\np a\-kn-em-bn. B kml-N-cy-n-emWv _neo-thgvkv tPW No^v FUn- kmwIpn amXyp-hp-ambn Btem-Nnv Rm Xocp-am-\-sa-Spv amdn \n-Xv. ]n. kn. F. F. sI. Ign--Xn-\m Cu ew apX Fgp-Xp-hm Xocp-am-\n-n-cn-s-bmWv {io. _mes acWw kw`-hn-p-Xv. Atlw ac-W-a-Sp. C\n At-l-ns IpSpw-_-sbpw apw thZ-\n-n-p hnai-\- Bh-iy-an-söp Rm Icp-Xp-p.
Cu Imev Fs thZ-\n-n-Xv Ata-cn--bnse Nne-cpsS sNbvXn-I-fm-Wv. ]mam-cpsS te_-e-Wnv hnip--m-cmbn Na-bp-Ibpw hnizm-kn-I-fpsS s\p ]nfp-Ibpw sNp I]S `-m. hymP-hm-I Fn-p-sIm-Sp bqZm-kp-I. ]n. kn. F. F. sI.-bpsS hnP-b-tmsS Ch-cpsS Ifn-I P\w Xn. Ctm ssZhhpw Chsc Xn-bn-cn-p-p. Hcp Zn\w ssZhoI \ymbm-k-\-n\p apn \ntn hcp-sa t_m[w Cq-p-m-bn-cp-s-n Fm-sWs {]m-\.
hyn-hn-tcm[w Xop-hm tUmf-dns _e-n am[y-a-sf D]-tbm-Kn-p-Xv F{X \ny-am-Wv. ap--hsc Ipn apdn-th¸n-nv AWn-b-d-bn adp \np Nncn-p--h Hp ad-m-Xn-cn-pI kI-eXpw Adn-bp--h Db-c-n-ep-v.
henb Hcp ]cn-tim-[-\m-Im-e-b-f-hmWv ISp t]mb-Xv. Hw Dm-Ip-sa {]Xo-n--hsc i{Xp ]mf-b-n I-Xns A-cv Hcp hi-v. {]m-\-bpsS ]n_-e-hp-ambn ap]-cn-N-b-an-m-Xn-cp \qdp-I-W-n-\m-fp-Isf I-tm ssZhw \Inb ss[cyw ]d--dn-bn-m-h-X-. Fs t]mcm--n Hw \n kplr-p-, Iqp hnizm-kn-I, ssZh-Zm-k-m, Fs IpSpw_w, ktlm-Z-c-, amXm-]n-Xm- am\y hmb-\-m Fm-hpw lrZ-b-ns `mj-bn \n. Hw Bh-iy-amb ]npW Xv ]nn Ddp \n _neo-thgvkv tPW IpSpw-_mw-K-ġv hnti-jm No^v FUn- kmwIpn amXyp ]mv \n...-ssZ-h-ln-X-am-bm C\n ASp--e---fn \app hopw ImWmw...
cmP Bcy--n
Contd:2 hit the U.S. at first, then began to spread to every corner of the world. Once highly booming real estate is gradually declining in all the mega cities of the world. Las Vegas, Nevada has the highest inflation in real estate before the recession hit the nation, but the real estate value began to plummet there far worse than any other place in the nation. Some people I know personally had, not a single night of perfect sleep due to their cares for adding more things to their already heaped up assets without realizing that they were hoarding for somebody else. The last part of the verse " suddenly like a trap" is shedding light about the seriousness of the issue as a prophetic fulfillment because I didn't hear from any preacher about this trapped season in which we are all caught up. In the U.S. 10 States in which natural resources are plentiful, especially the shale oil and gas production, their economy is moving forward in order but the rest are suffering.