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{]hm-kn-Iġpw Ah-Imiw e`n sXc-s-Spv

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 6, 2011
Views: 13980

An election where Non residents also have the rights to vote.
tIcfw hopw Hcp sXc-s-Sp-ns\ t\cn-Sp-tm ae-bmfnIfmb {]hm-kn-I BImw-j-tbm-sS-bmWv sXc-s-Sp-ns\ t\mn-m-Wp--Xv. ImcWw {]hm-kn-Iġpw thmp-h-Imiw e`n--Xn-\p-tijw \S-p BZy sXc-s-Sp-m-Wtm. {]hmkn thmp-I F{X-tmfw \nm-b-I-am-Ip-sav Fm cmjv{Sob ]mn-Ifpw Dp-t\m-p-p. bp.- Un. F^n- s\bpw F. Un. ^n- s\bpw A\p-Iq-en-p hnhn[ {]hmkn kwL-S-\-I hnhn[ \ne-I-fn X-fpsS ]-n-\p-thn thmp-t\-Sp-hm {ian-p ImgvN Fpw ImWmw. tIc-f-nse hnhn[ ss{IkvXh k`m hn`m-K- sXc-s-Sp-n CS-s]v hne-t]-im-dp-Xv ]e-tmgpw Ahv Nne AwKo-Im-c-n\v Imc-W-am-Ip-p. Fm AwK-k-Jy-bn Hpw ]nn-e-m s]s-tm-kvXp-Im kwL-Sn-X-amb hne-t]-i-en\v {ian-m-dn-. Hcp Imev acp-p-]-tbm-Kn-p-Xv ]m]-sap hniz-kn-n-cp Ime-L--n \nv \mw F{Xtbm aptm-p- t]m-bn. sh-hkv{Xw am{Xw [cn-n-cp Imew amdn. B`-c-W-hn-tcm-[n-I-fpsS i_vZ-ns I\w Ipd-p-h-cp-p. kphn-ti-j-n-\p-thn kzw `h-\w-t]mepw Dt]-n-n-d-n-b-h-cpsS Xe-apd kphn-ti-j-n-eqsS e`n- ]Ww-sImv tImSn-I-fpsS hoSpw BVw-_-c-Im-dp-Ifpw kz-amn apt-dp-p. s]s-tm-kvXp-Im tIcfm cmjv{So-b-ns `mhn \n-bn-p--Xn {][m\ LS-I-am-sWv Fm cmjv{Sob ]mn-Iġpw Adn-bmw. Fm \psS t\XrXzw AXns\ th-hn- [-n D]-tbm-Kn-p-n F-XmWv kXyw. AXn-\m ]e-tmgpw \ Ah-K-Wn--s-Sp-I-bm-Wv. NnhmZv ]mew F hnhmZ ]pkvX-I-ns t]cn \nc-]-cm-[n-I ]oVn-n--s--tm Chn-Sps cmjv{Sob In-I-fpsS \ne-]mSpw Hfn-p-I-fn-Ifpw \ I-Xm-Wv. \ Hnp \nm tIcfm cm{o-b-n s]s-tm-kvXp-Imsc Ah-K-Wn-p-hm ]p-I-bn F-Xm-Ws A`n-{]m-bw. CXn\pw Hcp N-bm-hmw.


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john abraham, kuwait (April 6, 2011)
Bro. Joy chembakaseril, how can you say older generation in pentacostal belief has screwed up. Don't make it that kind of silly command.god created 'man' with a certain level of intelligence apart from his other creations!means now days we have to follow worldly people path. Looks like you are new genaration believer. I still respect and belive older generation faith.
joy chembakasseril, usa. (April 6, 2011)
continued from my previous column: in the arena of "using medicine, wearing clothes, about jewelry and other possessions, were an act of unintelligent[wrong] interpretation and application of faith! i don't totally blame them for all of that and this was caused partly due to lack of proper resources and their overwhelming passion in their belief! but the fact is that the younger generation is realizing this! and now we are at the threshold of elections and politics ! i know a church which calls the television a "cinema peatti", because thats all they know about it, and you going to make this youger generation accept it, come on! we need worldly interference with prayer and faith, so that our religious factions are not ignored by governance! all we have to look for is "how much is wordly and how much is not wordly"!wake up theologians, whatever happened has happened, atleast guide the younger generation good luck this time !!!!!
joy chembakasseril, usa. (April 6, 2011)
in all due respects to the older generation, i could not but express my feelings that the older generation in pentacostal belief has screwed up lot of things about "faith" thinking that, what they did and professed was part of a 'devoted life' in malayalam called "veearrpaaduea"! this was caused due to lack of proper church leadership and lack of educated theoligians! i clearly understood their passion for faith, but they forgot to acknowledge that faith has an element of intelligence attached to it, even though faith is not all about-the intelligence! this is quite clear from the fact that god created 'man' with a certain level of intelligence apart from his other creations! god expects his creation 'man' to apply that intelligence in all walks of his life including 'faith'! in malayalam-"ninghal buddhiyulla aradhana[kar] aayiripeen ennu vaayikkunnu"! my point is-the boobuu the older generation made in the arena of 'faith' will be continued in the next column
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