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And the original became the plagiarised ...
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 25, 2012
Views: 16919

And the original became the plagiarised ....
A\p{KloX\mb kphntijI\pw imtcm³ k`bpsS ip{iqjI\pw FÃmänep]cn {]kn²amb ]e ss{IkvXhKm\§fpsSbpw cNbnXmhpambncp¶p C¶v {InkvXphn hn{ian¡p¶ ]mÌÀ Fw. än. tPmkv. ""IcpXp¶h³ Rm\Ãtbm Ie§p¶Xv F´n\v \o'', ""tbipshsâ ASnØm\w B{ibw Ah\nes{X'', ""Rm³ \ns¶ ssIhnSptam Hcp \mfpw ad¡ptam'', ""F´p kt´mjw Fs´mcm\µw'' XpS§n {]Npc {]Nmcw t\Snb Km\§Ä Xsâ A\p`h ]Ým¯e¯n FgpXnbn«pÅXmWv. F¶m Xsâ Km\§Ä¡v AhImiw ]dsª¯nbhÀ ]ecp­v. C¶pw knUnIfneqsS {]Ncn¡p¶ Rm³ \ns¶ ssIhnSptam F¶ Km\w FgpXnbXv X§fmsW¶v ]e kwKoX {Kq¸nsâ \S¯n¸pImcpw I¬h³j³ tÌPpIfn ]dbmdp­v. 2004 Pq¬ amk¯n {]XymibpsS XpdapJt¯¡v t]mb ]mÌÀ Fw. än. tPmkv Xsâ Km\§fpsS AhImiw NneÀ Øm]n¨ IYIÄ teJIt\mSv ]¦n«n«p­v. Hcn¡Â Xsâ bm{Xbn Hcp k`bn Xm³ {]kwK¯n\mbn sN¶t¸mÄ X\n¡v ap¼v {]kwKn¨psIm­ncp¶ hyàn {]kwK at²y Xsâ PohnX¯nep­mb {]XnkÔnIsf Ipdn¨v Icfenbn¡p¶ km£yw {]kvXmhn¨p. H¸w B ]cntim[\ thfbn Xm³ FgpXnb Km\w Be]n¡pIbpw sNbvXp. IcpXp¶h³ Rm\Ãtbm F¶ Km\w B D]tZin ]mSnbt¸mÄ P\w I®oscmgp¡n. F´p ]dtb­p F¶dnbmsX \ni_vZ\mbn Ccnt¡­nh¶ IY ]dªt¸mÄ AXnse Xamibpw At±lw BkzZn¨p Nncn¨psIm­ncp¶p. At±l¯nsâ asämc\p`hamWv Km\ cNbnXmhpw Fgp¯pImc\pamb kmw än. apJ¯e FgpXnbncn¡p¶Xv C¯cw A\p`hw PohnX¯nepÅ hyànbmWv kmw än. apJ¯ebpw. {]kn²amb ]e Km\§fpsSbpw cNbnXmhmb Ct±l¯nsâ Gähpw {]kn²amb Km\amWv ""I®q\oÀ F¶p amdptam thZ\IÄ F¶p Xocptam'' F¶v Bcw`n¡p¶ Km\w. F¶m CXnsâ cNbnXmhv Ct±lw BsW¶v temIw Adnbp¶Xv Nne hÀj§Ä¡p tijamWv. AXphscbpw CXnsâ ]nXrXzw Adntªm AdnbmsXtbm NneÀ GsäSp¯ncp¶p. X§fpsS Km\w X§Ä Ccn¡p¶ thZnbn NneÀ AhcpsSXmsW¶ AhImi hmZhpambn ]mSpt¼mÄ A´w hn«ncnt¡­ kmlNcyw D­mbn«pÅ Fgp¯pImcp­v. AhcpsS A\p`h§Ä ASp¯ e¡¯nÂ


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