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FUn-tm-dn-b : BZna A\p-`-hn-tev aS-pI

samkutty Mathew
Author: samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 25, 2013
Views: 14553

Come back to the first experience.
k`-bpsS Cu `qan-bnse ZuXyw {InkvXp-hns kmyw hln-pI Fp--Xm-Wv. kzob aln-a-I shSnv XmW-`q-an-bn-tev hv Im hdn {Iqin bmK-ambn Xo Imhv k`sb `c-ta n ZuXyhpw AXp-X-s-bm-Wv. temI-n kphn-tijw {]N-cn-npw ssZhoI D]-tZiw ]Tn-nv P\s am\-km-c A\p-`-h-n-tep \Snbpw hnip PohnXw \bnpw {]Xym-i-tbmsS Ims\ Imn-cn-p-I. Fm ey-n \npw amdn HmSn-sm-n-cn-p k` `c-ta n--s ZuXyw ad-n-cn-pp FXv ZpxJ-I-c-amb bmYmyw.
kap-Zmb k`-Isf hn s]-tmkvXv A\p-`hn-tepw Asm-kvX-enI D]-tZ-i-n-tepw BIjn--s \psS ]nXm--m B Zi-\-tmsS apt-dn. As kaq-l-n Npcp--am-bn-cp-npw Ah Adn kXy-n-\mbn \ne-sIm-p. icn-bmb D]-tZiw ]Tn-n-p. {]mtbm-KnI Pohn-X-n\v {]m[m-\yw \ Ip--Xm-bn-cpp Ah-cpsS ]Tn-n--ep-I. X ]Tn-n-p-Xv kz Pohn-X-n {]mtbm-Kn-I-am-nb Ah-cpsS D]-tZ-i-n P\w BIr-jvS-cm-bn. Fm Cv D]-tZ-jvSm--fpsS Pohn-Xhpw D]-tZ-ihpw Xn-ep Acw Iv P\w Aw hnp \n p-p. _ne-bm-ans D]-tZiw k`-I-fn km{XnI-am-bn-cn-p-p. kXy D]-tZiw {]kw-Kn-p--h-cpsS Fw hnc-en-se-m-hp-Xmbn amdn. _mem-ns Iqen sImXnv th]m-Sns kXyw adv P\s Agnp hnSpp. temI-m-tc-m bmsXmcp hyXym-khpw CmsX hnizm-kn-Ifpw D]-tZ-jvSm-fpw Ah-cp-ambn CS-I-en-cn-p-p. kzw Chn-sS-X-s-sbpw Im-hns\ Adn-bp--hv Fm-hn[ A\p{Kl-fpw Cu `qan-bn Xs e`y-sap ]Tn-n--ep-I-fn BIr-jvS-cmbn {Zhy km-Z-\-n-\mbn Ah HmSp-p. `uXnI A\p-{K-l- Bob A\p-{K-l-ns Af-hp-tIm-emn amn-b-h k`-bpsS ZuXyw _pn-]qw ad-p-p.

kphn-ti-jo-I-c-Ww F henb ZuXyw k` Cp ad-n-cn-p-p. D]-tZ-i-k-Xy- _en-I-gn-p-p. temIhpw ]nim-Np-ambn cl-kyk-n-I sNpp. temI-msc en-n-p cmjv{So-b--fn-I Itk-c-mbn \S-p--h Cu cmPy-n\p knwlm-k\w Dd-n-p-hm s\tm--tam-Sp-p. Itk-c-bn Ccn-ph AXv \jvS-s-Sm-Xn-cn-p-hm\pw Itkc Inm--h AXp t\Sn-sb-Sp-\pw X{- sa\v ZuXyw adv AXn-\mbn kabw \jvS-s-Sp-p-p. Nne k`m {]m-\- ]g-b-\n-ba ]utcm-lnXyw t]mse a-fn-tepw sImp-a--fn-tepw Itkc ssIam-dm X{- Hcp-p-p. Cs\ ]e-\n-e-I-fn k` Xs ZuXyw ad-tm-Sp-p.

BZn-a-Ime k`-bn ]cn-ip-m hym]m-c-n\pw ssZh {]hn-p-am-bn-cpp {]m[m-\y-sa-n Cv Fgp-X-s-Sm Bcm-[-\m-{I-a-n-eqsS Fmw {]l-k-\-am-Ip-p. Ir]mh-c- e`n--h kuP\yambn \ ImsX X-fpsS [\-k-m-Zn-\mbn AXv D]-tbm-Kn-p-p. Cu temI-n-tep am{Xw th hc-ġp AanX {]m[m\yw \ In hcp-hm-\p temI-tp t]mIp-hm-\m-h-iy-amb Bm-hns ^e-ġv {]m[m\yw \ Ip-n-. `n {]I-S-\--fn-sem-Xp-pp ]Ww Fm-n-sbpw ASn-m-\-am-p kwL-S-\-I Zi-\-aphs\bpw \ntbm-K-ap--h-s\bpw amn \nn ]Ww \ Im Ign-hp--hsc t{]mm-ln-n-p-p. {Zhym-{Klw kI-e-hn[ tZmj-n\pw Imc-W-sa hN\w A\z-am-Ip-amdv t\Xr-Xz-fpw sXn-tm-Ip-p. k`v Hcp aS-n-h-chv Bh-iy-am-Wv. AXn-\mbn thXv ssZho-I-\n-tbm-Khpw Zi-\hpw D t\Xr-Xz-hpw. AXn-\mbn {]mn-mw. {]Xo-n-mw.


Displaying 18 Comments
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tom ,thottom (November 3, 2013)
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
roy thiruvalla (November 2, 2013)
a family altar can alter a family a gift is not a gift until given. a good pill to swallow is your pride. a good place for the ‘buck to stop’ is at the collection plate
a. s. mathew (November 1, 2013)
brother roy, thiruvalla: "the members of the invisible church are the actual body of believers". very correct. i might have written this earlier. while praying with my friends before catching the flight to delhi from bagdogra air port in west bengal, one total stranger who was employed at the airport came and put his hand around me. i felt like a loving hand around me, when i opened the eyes, he was smiling at us like he got something special. he said " it is very rare to find praying people at this airport and i am a believer in christ, working here cleaning the floor. so happy to see you all".

we the believers belong to the invisible church, which is the body of christ. until we change our narrow minded attitude and to see the body of christ in a different perspective, it is questioning our spiritual insight and maturity.
roy,thiruvalla (November 1, 2013)
The members of the invisible Church are the actual body of believers. They are the ones who are truly regenerate and have trusted, by faith, in the true Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The true Christian is indwelt by the Lord Jesus (John 14:23) through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Christian church is figuratively said to be the body of Christ. •Rom. 12:5, "So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." •Eph. 4:12, "For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ."
roy,thiruvalla (November 1, 2013)
The word "church" comes from the Greek "ekklesia" which means "gathering" or "assembly." Therefore, the church is the gathering of the believers who come together to participate in fellowship with one another as they worship God and hear from His Word, the Bible. The church as a whole has been equipped with people possessing different spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:5-8). The purpose of the gifts is "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ," (Eph. 4:12-13).

The Christian church was founded by Jesus and He is its Head and Savior (Col. 1:18; Eph. 5:23). Being in the church, the Christian is subject to the Lordship of Jesus (Eph. 5:24) through the administration of the Word of God.

a. s. mathew (October 29, 2013)
brother joy chembakaseri: "but only drop some bucks in the rich reverends pockets and that too, only because of the selfish instinct, thinking that they are going to be blessed because of that". very true. everybody's motives and selfishness can be measured very easily the way they handle money; in their consumption and spending. while some multi-millionaire preachers preaching about the imminent coming of jesus or the rapture of the church, hoarding money for their posterity for many generations, that preaching is totally a tricky sermon. "let your religion be less of a theory and more of love affair" chesteron. the world is watching us very keenly. pundit nehru who was an agnostic in his faith, but while he watched the religions, he was a "muslim in culture and christian in ethics and charity and greatly despised in his birth as a hindu". he was a pro-christian. why? he watched the selfless service of the foreign missionaries in india. where is our testimony?
joy chembakaseri (October 29, 2013)
to thepraize-- "the wealth" that is in the nature created instantly by the creator for the nourishment and survival of the creation- 'the human-beings and all live beings' on the surface of the planet is supposed to be a blessing for the whole humanity and all live beings and not just to the mighty and fortunate few!when the rich becomes more and more rich by amazing wealth and hoarding wealth--- then there is a disparity and imbalance in the concentration of wealth-- which creates poverty and suffering for the unfortunate ones! the basic-wealth is supposed to be a public-commodity and not a private-commodity of the fortunate,like 'the air' we breath,or 'the water' we drink! i know several capable 'self-proclaimed righteous christians', who wouldn't spare a penny for the poor,but only drop some bucks in the rich-reverends pockets and that too,only because of their selfish instinct,thinking that they going to be blessed because of that!
a. s. mathew (October 28, 2013)
THEPRAIZE: Thank you for your kind response, and the active participation of the readers can bring many topics hidden in the word of GOD to be alive. As you have clearly stated "the concept of charity needs to be emphasised with greater intensity". While Oral Roberts was studying at Philips University in Enid, he read 3 John 1:2, the wish of good health and prosperity, and that became the big "prosperity gospel". Only one place in the New Testament with "Prosperity". How may times JESUS and the disciples have told to "give", and none of them have said to send to "us", but to the needs of the Church and specifically for the suffering world. Nobody is interested to preach those topic which will not be pleasing to the ears. But, what a wonderful topic is "prosperity". Everybody is interested in prosperity. Brother, the Charismatic Pope Francis is going to show the world, starting with the Catholic Church, how to take care of the suffering world through our sacrifice.
thepraize (October 28, 2013)
@asm & jc :- this space seems to be getting interesting suddenly, bringing some intellectual values.i think the concept of charity needs to be emphasised with greater intensity in this day and age,we need to reorient our thoughts to have true understanding of christian living. i guess the more we know christ the more we realise our emptiness. please do not mis understand me, we need not want more sermons from the pulpit, we need clearer understanding of our leader, his works and his lifestyle.

"though i speak with the tongues of men & of angels, and have not charity, i am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal" 1 corinthians 13:1

somebody in this space was looking for a leader, i think we all should take the mantle and do our best and i believe god will honor humble beginnings.blessings
james mathew (October 27, 2013)
Through the editorial the pain of the Holy Spirit has blown out. when we pray to reinstate the first century experience, He asks us, what is your action plan other than simply writing and speaking. He again asks "who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me to Edom?"(Ps.108:10)
a. s. mathew (October 27, 2013)
brother joy chemabakaseri: while observing the ministry of jesus in the short span of time, it was basically concentrated on three things. he preached the gospel; indeed the beatitude is the abbreviated divine mandate, how we can live on this earth experiencing a minor dose of heaven. ganhdhiji was greatly influenced by that. it takes a real transformation of heart through the blood of christ to implement the beatitude in our practical life. then jesus healed the sick and fed the hungry. he did those two things in addition to preaching, as a lesson for us to follow. he didn't clothe the naked at that time, but now we need to add everything and anything which will wipe the tears of the crying world. if somebody is too adamant only in preaching, let them do so. if the preaching is used for money making and building the crore rs mansion and to buy the most luxurious car and fancy custom-made clothings in displaying to the world that they are blessed by god, is it a business?
a. s. mathew (October 27, 2013)
brother joy chemabakaseri: thank you for bringing an hidden topic to the front row. in the first century church, the church collection was used mainly for the the suffering members; especially the widows and orphans. i hate to mention the name of the denomination, one church in a metropolitan city, while the church was conducting all the festivities in colourful manner, one family was deeply in financial trouble. their daughter, while taking to the doctor in a very critical situation, died on the way. every church, whatever denomination it might be, has a responsibility to look after the desperate and struggling members of the church, before they send money for the crusades and concrete/steel construction. 1 john 3:17 is a direct warning to us, and if we failed to do that, our mantle of holiness and firebrand preachings are nothing but fake drama. dr. billy graham said " give me the checkbook of a person and i can tell his or her real christianity in 30 minutes".
joy chembakaseri (October 27, 2013)
Contd 1-@ A.S.Mathew-Its wrong for the rich to built money on money,while the poor are suffering,even for their food!When some one makes money,some one else is becoming poorer,in other words when wealth becomes a concentration among the few,then the others are struggling and suffering!I am not against Rich or the Capitalist,but there should be a Ceiling or Top-off as to how much they can 'hoard with money'!Imagine the ones walking around with 30 million and more,while we have poverty all around!The majority in the world are struggling to make that first 50,000 dollars,and they can't with all their pymts!Its not a Very Great thing,'that the rich makes money',because money can make money--but the matter of the fact is that,the unfortunate majority in the world is struggling to make that initial-money,that fifty thousand!It should be a Citizen's right in every country to have all the basic necessities in life--which includes money and happiness!Pray for this MESS in this World!
joy chembakaseri (October 27, 2013)
@ A.S.Mathew- If a Church has fifty families and if five of them are Struggling in life-- then why can't the church assist them in paying of their Mortgage debt or Rent! The Church is spending and spreading X-amount of money in charity every year anyway,by sending all-over the world and middle-men are pocketing it and mis-using it! My question is- why can't the Church use that same money in their own church first to fix the problem in the church,before sending out money World-over,its a kind of SHOW-OFF too,by the church!There is a saying 'FIX your broken chair first, before worrying about others'!The Governments can do the same thing too,but they are not doing it!Recently the US-Governments Mtg Relief money given,went to the Banks,rather than giving directly to the struggling Mtg owner and the Banks[middle-men] mis-used it!My suggestion it, there should be a ceiling as to how much a rich person can built money,the rest should be taxed for the poor and given to the poor !!!
joy chembakaseri (October 27, 2013)
@ A.S.Mathew- The Pope might be referring to the extreme rich,but his Statement doesn't clearly specify- when he says "The World has became an idolater of this God called money",even though I agree to your 'assumption' that the Pope might be 'refering' the 'extreme rich'!What are the Churches doing as a whole for the up-liftment of the struggling poor? With all these democratic Governments in this World what are they doing for the up-liftment of the struggling poor, other than a few public assistance programs they have! Let me give you a scenario- It has become a World phenomenon that these Mortgages or Rents are killing the most money of a Family! Rather than the poor and unfortunate wait for the "LITTLE-MERCY-MONEY" by way of Charity from the rich,which again, the majority of the money is pocketed by the middle-men, why cannot they have better programs to pay-off the poor families debt or Mortgage debt! I am not talking about Loan here! Contd 1
a. s. mathew (October 27, 2013)
BROTHER JOY CHEMBASERI: The Pope has seen the suffering of people in his own country Argentina, and the extreme luxury of blowing money in his own Church. One Bishop in Germany was planning to blow $ 42 million for the renovation of his Bishop palace, now suspended and may be forced to work in Africa when the suspension is over with. This Bishop went to India to do some charity work in the slum but flew 1st class. In his flight to Rome, he was forced to fly economy in a low priced shuttle service airlines "Ryan". God has given us the power to create wealth, and those who are wealthy can create more wealth. But, if the "wealth creation" becomes the daily routine of life, that is an idol worship. Wealth can be effectively used, when it is used as directed by our Creator. We have an ethical and spiritual obligation to look after the needy and desperate based on our capacity. The Pope was telling about the extreme rich who were turned like "idol worshipers" of wealth.
joy chembakaseri (October 27, 2013)
money is not bad at all, quote- 'the world has became an idolator of this god called money'- pope francis!he might be talking about the 15 percent,sitting in the pope's palace,{i admire him otherwise}!money as an idol is not even in the wildest-dreams for majority in the world,when the wealth is concentrated to 15% in the world.rockefeller has a seventy story in the middle of manhattan,bill gates has the most valuable information technology company,tata has the second most valuable information technology company{tcs},india has the highest number of female millionaires! india is the largest in 'ultra-high net-worth individuals',these are people who's net-worth is more than 30 million! but these are all people who belong to that 15 percent in the world! how about the rest 85 percent,when the majority of them toil hard during their day to make ends meet!are they idolators? they don't even have an opportunity to think of becoming an idolator !!!
a. s. mathew (October 25, 2013)
Challenging editorial. "The world has became an idolator of this god called money" Pope Francis.

Money is not bad, but when we love money and exalt money as our "idol", then we are in serious danger. "The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's: but the earth hath he given to the children of man" Psalms 115:16. I grew up hearing about heaven in the sermons of the Pentecostal and Brethren preachers, and one elder of the Brethren Church Bro. Y. Ezhekial from Trivandrumcame came to our place and preached for three days about the details of heaven like its architecture. I don't know from where he got the blue print of heaven. In those days of lack in food-clothings and other things, for the believers, their only hope was in leaving this place to heaven. Now, everybody is trying to create heaven on earth with all the comfort zone, and those things can be bought only with money. So, money is the object of the sermons now. We have gone too far away from the living GOD!
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