Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 1, 2013
Views: 13532
David Thomas (90) promoted to glory.
Umfkv: tImbw ]mn \memwssa , ss]bw]n hon tUhnUv tXmakv (90) Hmtm_ 31, 2013 ]I 1:30 \v Umfkn shv Irkn[nbn tNs]p. ]m t__n hokv ip{iqjn sF.] F_t\k k`m AwKw Bbn. \hw_ 1 \v shnbmgvN sshInv 6 apX 8 hsc s]mXp Zmi\hpw i\nbmgvN cmhnse 10 apX 12 hsc kwkvmc ip{iqj bpw sU F ^pWd tlman (733 Um shv kv{Sov, {KmUv {]bdn, sSIvkmkv 75050) Umfkn shv \SXmWv. `mcy: timim tXmakv (檽). a: eoem, kpk, tamfnn, kpP, kpan. aa: _m_p, tPmkv, v, AeIvkv, amX|. sImp a: Pn (enPn, Pqokv (sken), sPk, Pnkn, Aenjm, F_n, APn, AIn , B hn, s_kvSn
IqSpX hnhcġv: Pqnkv: 9724678977, sPk: 2149606635, APn: 4692716644
Bro: David Thomas had a long stretch in this world and was fortunate to enjoy the companionship of his ten Grand-kids!However a beloved persons departure is very painful to family and friends!
I express my condolences,to the grieving family and friends!