Wednesday, October 16, 2024 |

n. kn. amXyp kmdns hntbmKw

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Mar 23, 2012
Views: 19326

Demise of T.C Mathew Sir.
n. kn. amXyphns hntbmK hm Zp:JtmsSbmWv tIXv. Ign Ipsd \mfpIfmbn s{]m^. tcmKnSbnembncp km ""tImam'' tPnembncpp. Atacnbnse aebmfn ssZhZmkmcn {][m\nbmbncpp ]m n. kn. amXyp. k`m ip{iqjI, {]kwKI, Aym]I, kwLmSI, PohImcpWy {]hI, k`m t\Xmhv Fmnep]cn kphntijI Cs\ hntijW ]ZhnI [mcmfw. hyn _hpw kulmhpw Imp kqnpXn amXyp km Fpw {inncpp. kmdnt\mSv ASpnS]gIphm e`n Ahkcsfmw at\mapIpcn am[pcyap HmIfmbn tijnpp. Xs kw`mjWfpw t{]mml\ns hmpIfpw Fpw DtP\w \IpXmbncpp. Atacnbnse aebmfn s]stmkvXn\v i\mb Hcdp t\Xmhns\bpw amXrIbp Hcp ip{iqjIs\bpw \jvSsp. \h\pw hnizkvX\pamb Zmk Fp hnfntIpsImv bP\am\\n \nv {]Xn^ew Gp hmp s]m ]pecnbn hopw Hcpanp ktmjnmw F {]Xobn {]XymitbmsS hnS \Ipp.


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