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HmS-cpXv ]camo Bf-dnbmw

Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2011
Views: 14844

Dont run Mr. Innocent...people know who you are!.
kzob [z\n-bnse ]c-am n-sb-tmse ImgvN-m-c\pw sImSn-tm--ns\ hy CjvS-am-Wv. ImcWw Atlw Fgp-Xp-tm t]cpw \mfpw Cu sa-bn A{Upw Hs-hv D-c-hm-ZnXzw Gs-Sp-mWv Fgp-Xp-Xv FXpXs. Hfnp \n v As-p ""]ca Bn'' Bscv At\z-jn--tm-gmWv ImgvN-m-c\v Bsf ]nSn-In-n-b-Xv. ]{X [-s-n hne-]n-m ]nb Bfp-X-s-bmWv I n. DS-a-bn \npw ASn-p-am n kz-am-nb ]{X-n Iq sS Xs hnem]w ]pd-p-h-cp--XmWv ck-I-cw. ]{X-ns t]cn Aev]w IrXr-aXzw \S-n kz-am-p-Ibpw sNbvX ""]ca Bn''bpsS Bm X P\-n\pw t_m[y-am-Wv. klmd acp-`q-an-t]mse Hgn Xebpw AXn-\-Iv \nd Ipcpp _pnbpw sImv Itk c Dd-n-m ]{Xw sImp \S-p ]ca Bn-bpsS Ctm-gs Bn ASp sXc-s-Sp-nse henb Itk-c-bm-Wv. Xcw Inp-t-Sv ]mp tehy-s\-t]mse GXp tNcn-bnepw {]Xy--s-Sm aSn-bn-m ]ca B nsb A`n-\-n-p-p.

tPW \S-p A`n-{]m b kt-bn ]pd-In-em-Iptam F `bw aqew Hcp apgw \on-sb-dn-bp ""Bn''bpsS X {w ]t Hncn ]g-b-Xm-bn-tmbn Fsmcp Ipd-th-bp-p. ""shS-mn X\n-m-p'' B ]gb ]cnv thIm ]ca B n Iew thsd At\z-jn-p--Xm-bn-cnpw _pn. ]{X- ] d-bp-Xv Fmw icn-bmtWm? Ah Acp-Xm--sXmpw sNbv Xn-nt? (AXp-sIm-m-W-tm- sN-cpv apJv ]Xn-Xv) Fgp-Xp-Xp t]mse-bmtWm Ch Pohn-p-Xv? sNcpp sImm tWm Imep-sIm-mtWm ssI sIm-mtWm apJ-mtWm hb--mtWm Inn-b-sXv ""]ca Bn''tbmSv tImhm-e CXp-hsc ]d-n-s-n C\n ImWp-tm Hp tNmZn-m t]msc. tImam-fn--{X-sf In-se-Sp-m am {X-a ]{Xm-[n-]sc sXmmepw \mdp-sa--Xp-sIm-mImw sNcn-nv ]pdw Im sImv apJv Nhn-n-b-Xv. ]ca Bn-bpsS B{Klw Adn--h-cmtcm Adnp sN bvXp. A\p-`-hn-Xv kzw ]{Xm-[n-]-cpw. kt-bn Pbn-n-m Hcp BZi-hmZn Nn e-t\-Xm--msc kao-]n-s ""]ca Bn-bpsS Ip ]nSp--n \pw AhmUp sImSp--Ww. Cu t\Xm--mmpw t] cnt Bthm.

CS-nsS D]-tZi ka-I-\mbpw (Atm-f-P-nIv) ap Nne-tm ]mc-cy hmZn-bmbpw {] Xy--s-Sp In. ]Ww Inn-bm D]-tZ-i-sams tNcn tIp-sapw P\w I-Xm-Wv. tbmm-\n app ]c-kyhpw kn\n-a-bpsS ]c-kyhpw amdn amdn-bnv AXp sXfn-bn ""]ca B n'' kmyambn apn \n p-Xp ImWp-tm ""ImgvN-m-c'' tcmamaWn-bp-p. ""]ca Bn''sbtmse Imgv N-m-c\pw Hcp Imcyw a\-kn-em nNne ]{X-mv ]{X [-ns BZym--c- t]mepw Adn-bn-. Ah-dn-bm-hpXv kvXpXn ]mS-em-Wv. GXp hnh-c-tZm-jnpw hne-km-hp tan ]pdam-bXp sImm-Wtm Im ip-sIm-Spv Fgp-Xn-nv kzw t]cn FUn-tm-dn-b Xmp--Xv. Xm\mWv Fgp-Xn-sm-Sp-p--sXv Aq-dm ]e-tcm Spw ]d-Xv ]{X-mn-S-bn se cl-ky--fn-semv. sXc-s-Spv ASp-p-h-cp-p. C\n bpw ""]ca Bn''bpsS hnem ]w D-n Dbcpw Atm ""ImgvN-m-c\pw A`n-{]mbw ]d-bpw. AXv Nne-tm a{nbpw ]n-X-mcpw ]d--Xp-t]m-se-bm-hn'' cY-n-tedn P-Zn\ tLmj-bm{X \Sp cmPm-hn s\ Iv P\-samw F{X at\m-lc-amb hkv{Xw Fp ]d-bp-tm Hcp sImp Ipv hnfn p ]d-p. cmPm-hnXm DSp-Xp-Wn-bn-msX t]mIp-t. AXph sc ]pIgvn-b-henp Hcp \nanjw Xe-Xmgvn . A\-cw Ah _me ]d-Xv D-n Gp ]d-p. Atm cmPmhv Xe-Xm-gvn.ImgvN-m-c\pw A`n-{]mbw ]d-bmw. AXn \p hne-n-. P\w AXw-Ko-I-cn p Gs-Sp-p-tm BWv I tk-cbvvCfw Dm-Ip--Xv. ImgvN-m-c ImgvN Ip \S-p-I-bm-Wv. J-dpw Ata-cn--bpw Fd-Wm-Ipfw Pnbpw Be-p-g-Pn- bpw ]-\w-Xn Pn-bp-sams ImWm Fp ck w! ImgvNI [mcm-fw. ImgvN-m-c ImgvN-I Bh-iy-sh-n hmb-\-m mbn ]n-s. ]ca Bn hcq \pp sImSn-tm-s IqSp-X kvt\ln-mw. sImSn-tm-s Nmcn aphnv Xmmw. Fnv tPn ""kphn-tijw'' hp-Im-mw. Itk-c-bv mbn Bn-tbmsS s]mcp-Xmw.


Displaying 3 Comments
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sunny, pandalom (August 27, 2011)
katharum,eranakulavum, pathanamthittaium, chumadoum kazchkarilude ariuvan e vaayanakaran agrahikunnu.
new believer (August 26, 2011)
Seriously, why we (Believers) fight each other? What is the point of writing these kinds of articles? Our goal should be build not destroys each other. I hope we will come back to our basics and focus on those who are perishing instead of fighting each other through news papers. I am saddened to say that we have lost our passion for Christ. It’s time that we repent and live a life that is holy and acceptable in his sight. God Bless
cherian (August 24, 2011)
enthinaa paramaarthi ingane vati kotuthu ati vaangunnath?
nere chovve natannaal i p c yum nannaavum keralathile penthecosthum nannavum.
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