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FUn-tm-dn-b: Hcp ssI klm-b-n-\mbn AWn-tNcmw

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Feb 28, 2013
Views: 13885

Editorial : Let us unite.
s]s-tmkvXv kaqlw Cv ]W-ns sImgp-n Bm-Zn-p-I-bm-Wv. _mim\y ]ip--sf-tmse sImgpp XSn kaq-lw. Al-m-c-n\p ssIbpw Imepw sh-h Fp tXmp-amdv kaq-l-n hne-kp s]s-tm-kvX hn-n-cn-p-p. cm{o-b-m-cpsS tXmfn ssIbnpw Kp-Isf IqsS Iqnbpw \S-p--h-cn s]s-tm-kvXnse D-X hsc-bp-v. aZy-]n-p s]s-tm-kvX-cpsS Fw hfsc IqSp-I-bm-Wv. \nba hncp _nkn-\-kp-I \S-p--hcpw XnpImcpw k`m tI{--fn Npn-n-cn-bpp F-X hnj-bw. C-c-m k`m t\Xr-Xz-ns `mK-ambngn-n-cn-pp F-XmWv tJZ-I-cw. B`m-S-n-\mbn s]s-tm-kvX Cv e- sNe-hn-Sp-I-bm-Wv. kv\m\w, inip-{]-Xn-jvT, P-Zn-\w, hnhm-l-hmjnIw XpSn ih-kw-kvImcw hsc Cv B`m-S-n apn-bn-cn-p-p. s]s-tm-kvXns apJ-ap-{Z-bm-bn-cp emfnXyw Cp ImWm-\n-. Xnp ]pfpw ssZh-`-b-an-m-sXbpw \S-p \ kaq-l-n thZ\ A\p-`-hn-p--hsc ImWmsX t]mIp-I-bm-Wv. Hcp cq]v km Acn \Ip-sap {]Jym-]n-n-p-s-nepw AXp e`n-m--h [mcmfw. DX hnZym-`ym-k-n\p tbmKy-X-bp-s-nepw ]W-an-sö Imc-W-m am{Xw ]T\w XpS-cm-\m-hm--h, amcI tcmK-ġ-Sna-s-npw NnIn-n-p-hm ]W-an-msX \c-In-p--h, Ib-dn-n-S-p-hm-\p Hcp `h-\-n-\mbn B{K-ln-p--h, hnhml {]mb-sa-n-bnpw ]W-an-m--Xns t]cn- hnhmlw kz]v\-ambn am{Xw tijn-p--h. Cs\ kaq-l-nse Bh-iy-msc ImWp-hm Ip Xpd-p-I. \n BVw-_-c-ġpw s]m--n-\p-ambn sNe-h-gn-p--Xns Hcwiw \on-sh-m \ {]kw-Kn-p tbip-hns kvt\lw {]kwKw IqSmsX P\w Xncn--dn-bpw.

]n-Wn-m-h--fpsS CS-bn Xs ZuXyw \n-ln-p ssZh-Zm-k-\mWv ]m _nPp tPmbn. ]gb hkv{X- tiJ-cn-pw. `y hkvXp- tiJ-cnpw CSpn Pn-bnse ]qn-In-S-p tXmw taJ-e-I-fn klm-b-l-kvX-hp-ambn sNp-I-bm-Wv Cu ssZh-`r-Xy. Xs ZuXyw {]i-kvXn-m-bn- Xs {]h\w Xncn--dn--Xn-\m _neo-thgvkv tPW Cu {]h-\-n ]p-tN-cp-I-bm-Wv. hmb-\-m-cpsS klmbw CXn-\mbn A`yn-p-p. D]-tbmK tbmKy-amb ]g-bXpw ]pXn-b-Xp-amb hkv{X-, `y hkvXp-, acp-p-I, ]T-t\m-]-I-c-W-, ]Ww Fp-am-Imw. \n-fm Ign-bp Hcp ssI klmbw Cu ]-Xn-mbn \Imw. Ffn-b-h-cpsS Io Hm B ssZh-Zm-k-s\mw \appw ]p-tN-cmw. Wn-I-amb Cu Bbp-n ssZh-lnXw Xncn--dnv \ sNmw.

Fm am\y hmb-\-m-cp-sSbpw kl-I-cWw At]-n-p-p. ssZhw Gh-scbpw A\p-{K-ln-p-am-dm-I-s.


Displaying 6 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
a. s. mathew (March 1, 2013)
if i happend to see a believer or gentile who is hungry, and if i have money, praying for them instead of buying food for them is the biggest hypocrisy. it is fine to pray for them after feeding them. i have witnessed with disgust, how some believers and ministers with plenty of money in their pocket will not spare a dollar to feed the hungry, but pray so loud even with speaking in tongues; then leave the place without sparing a dollar or re. if we love money, we will hold onto it; on the other hand, if we love god, we will love the hungry person and feed that person. as believers and followers of jesus christ, as he fed the hungry and other things to wipe the tears of the suffering world, we will have to do the same in our capacity, that is a must, and our true christian character is revealed before god.
joice mathews (March 1, 2013)
I like it. Expecting more of this kind!

a. s. mathew (March 1, 2013)
Contd 3: John 3:16 For God so loved the world......

I john 3:16.. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothes and sisters. If any has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity of on them, how can be the love of God in that person? Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and truth" . As brother Samkutty wrote, when we take the amount spent on many unwanted celbrations, with the whole intention to project and portray our carnal natured egotism, we must be ashamed of ourselves and God is totally upsetted because we have

simply failed to heed the teaching of our Lord and saviour to look after the hungry and crying people in front of us. We need to put a nail to the prosperity gospel of selfishness and the love for material things; JESUS wants us to be cross-bearers and caring people of the suffering world.
a. s. mathew (March 1, 2013)
contd: 2 " i can't believe in a religion or god which can't wipe the tears of the widow and can't give a piece of bread to an orphan child". he was born in a affluent family, got his education at the scottish church college in calcutta, and had greater influence of jesus in his life. he was landed in chicago to attend the world parliament of religion two months earlier, totally broke, but made a statement of faith " i am here (in america) amongst the children of the son of mary and the lord jesus will help me". his definition of

religions was very identical to what apostle james said. in my missionary journey, i have watched with quite surprise and felt righteous indignation to see the financially suffering ministes of the gospel one the one hand, and ministers who are living in total

luxury on the other hand, without showing any compassion for the suffering minister preaching the same gospel and exalting the same jesus.
a. s. mathew (March 1, 2013)
even though i am curtailing the number of comments written in the beliver's journal, however, if i don't write one comment touching this editorial, that will be a sin of omission. i have quoted this broad definition of religion many times through my comments, which is not a specific definition of " christian religion", but this is very applicable in the broad specturum touching all religions, especially the chrisian religion. apostle james wrote " religion that god our father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" james 1:27. as believers in jesus christ, if we haved failed to look after the widows and orphans across our eyes, our worship is totally fake and insincere, and our religion is nothing but a counterfeit religion. swami vivekananda when delivered his speech at the first world parliament of religion in september 1983,
pastor john thomas (March 1, 2013)
A great idea. We need to support this cause. God bless you.
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