Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 19, 2011
Views: 16136
Election and Us (Editorial).
hopw Hcp s]mXp sXc-s-Sp-p-Iq-Sn tIc-f-nse k-Xn-Zm-b-Isc tXSn-sb-n-bncn-bvp-p. Ign Ap-hjs `c-W-t\--ġp-thn CS-Xp-]w thmp tXSptm `c-W-nse tIm-- Nqn-mn he-Xp-]w thmp tXSp-p. PmXn, D]-Pm-Xn, kap-Zm-b kwL-S-\-I-sfms hne-t]-i \S-p Ime-am-Wn-Xv.
ss{IkvXh k`-I-fn s]s-tmkvXv HgnsI _mn-sb-m-hcpw kwL-Sn-X-cm-Wv. Fm hnL-Sn-p-\n¡p s]s-tmkvXp k`-Iġv CXp-h-sc bpw hne-t]-i-en\v km[yX sXfn-n-n-. Nne a-e-fnse-nepw ap kap-Zmb--sf-m s]s-tm-kvXv thmp-I-fp-v. Fm Chsc GtIm-]n-n-p-hm Ign-bp t\XrXzw \ap-n-. Fm Ccw thmp-I Imn Ccp-]- n\pw sam-ambn thmv \evIm-sa hmKvZm-\-hp-ambn Ccp-h--n hnZ-KvZ-ambn Imep Nhn-p Nne t\Xm--m \psS CS-bn-ep-v. AXn-eqsS e`n-p Nne km-oI em` ASn-p-am-p--Xn-emWv A-s\-bp--h-cpsS {i.
{]_p--cmb s]s-tm-kvXp hnizm-kn-I Nnn-p-hm\pw AXn\v A\p-kr-X-ambn k-Xn-Zm-\m-h-Imiw hn\n-tbm-Kn-m\pw Ign-hp--h-cm-Wv. \mw cmPy-ns \nb-a- ]men-p--hcpw AXn\p Iogvs-Sp--h-cp-am-Wv. k-Xn-Zm-\m-h-Imiw hnth-I-tmSpw _pn-tbmSpw {]m-\-tbmSpw IqsS hn\n-tbm-Kn-Ww.
\s klm-bn--hscbpw a\-n-em-n-b-h-scbpw Xncn--dn v cmPy-ns \-bvmbn `cn-bvp-sav Dd-p--hsc ]mn Nn-Iġv AXo-X-ambn Pbn-n-p-hm \psS Ah-Imiw \mw D]-tbm-Kn--Ww. {]Xn-I-cn-p-hm\pw {]Xn-tj-[n-p-hm\pw s]mXp-P-\-ġv Ign-bp Ah-k-c-am-Wn-Xv. \mw _pn-bp--h-cm-bn-cn-p-I. \psS Ah-Imiw \-fmWv D]-tbm-Kn-t--Xv. \s sam-ambn hnp-I-f-bp-hm Hcp t\Xm-hn-s\bpw A\p-h-Zn--cp-Xv. As\ sNp--hsc H-s-Sp-m\pw Hgn-hm-p-hm\pw \ ss[cyw Im-Ww.
temI-nse Ghpw henb P\m-[n-]Xy cmPy-amb `mc-X-nse P\m-[n-]Xy {]{In-b-bn ]m-fn-I-fm-Ip-hm \apv e`n-p Ah-kcw \jvS-am--cp-Xv. \ psS Bh-iy-fn \tm-sSmw \n-hsc, \s klm-bn--h-sc, Xncnpw klm-bn-p-hm e`n-p -Ah-k-c-amWnXv. cmjv{Sobw k`-bnepw \psS D nepw Ib-td Imcy-an-. Ce- Ime-p-am{Xw \s tXSn-h-cp--h-scbpw Pbn--tijw ]pdw Xncnv \n-h-scbpw Xncn-dn-bp-I. am\ycpw Agn-aXn Cm--hcpw amXr-I-bp--hcpw \psS {]Xn-\n-[n-bm-h-s.
I totally agree with Bro: Samkutty Mathew,but how many think in similar terms.Kaalanghalayyi thettaya prasangah vyaakyaanaghaliluudeea keettu visvasicchu poorunna visvassa pramanagahlileea "keeraamuttikal" kkoru aruthi varaathea ethonnum sambhavikkan pookunnilla!Nammudea aallukal purookanparamaayum, yaadarthhiyboodah thoodeeayum chinndhichhu thudangahnam! Lovkeekarr aakaruthea sriyanneu,pakshea Kaanunna thellam lovkeekom ennu prasamghicchaal enndhu cheyyum!All of them that preach are not qualified speakers and thereby not interpreting properly what they say!The people should exercise the 'wisdom' to differentiate and understand the right and wrong or the relevant and irrelevant things that come from the microphone-end and act accordingly and not to cling on to the old 'keeramutees' to satisfy somebody!We should be practical and realistic in our thoughts and actions and that don't mean sacrificing our faith and beliefs in Lord Jesus Christ!I encourage participation in elections!