Sunday, February 23, 2025 |

Ce Pzcw

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 24, 2012
Views: 16393

Election fever.
Cp-dnbpw {]Xo-n--Xp-t]mse Xs Ip-\mv Ce- Pzcw. Fhn-sSbpw N AXp-am-{Xw.sXc-s-Sp-n\v C\nbpw 8 amk-. Fm ]m\-ep-I Ah-X-cn-n-epw apw \S-p-I-bm-Wv. Fm ]-en CsXmpw _m[n-n- F-Xm-izm-kw. an {]kw-K-Icpw \mbn ip{iq-jn-p. Nne At-]-cm-P-b-ambn km[m-c-mcmb P\-fpw ip{iq-j-Icpw BZn-tbm-Sw ]-en-\p-n ip{iq-jI-fn ]s-Sp-p-a-S-p-p. cmjv{So-b-m ]nm-p-d--fn {Kqv NvI \S-pp. C{Xbpw hodpw hmin-bp-sam-p-an-m Nv Hm^v tKmUn sN-tm nXn Ahn-sSbpw amdn-bn-cn-p-p. ipjvI-amb kZpw tPpw. A{]-Xo-n-X-amb cmjv{Sob Ifn-I AhnsS Ac-t-dn-b-Xm-Wv Imc-Ww. G. PnbpsS Ihj\p kw_-n--W-sa B{K-l-ap-m-bn-cp-s-nepw km[n-n-. Ahn-sSbpw sXc-s-Spp Pzc-n-s\mpw Ipd-hn-. Fp-X-s-bmWv dntmv. \psS Ihj-\p-Isf Cs\ A[:]Xn-n-p--Xns [mnI D-c-hm-Zn-Xz-n \nv Hgnp amdp-hm t\Xm--mm-Iptam?


Displaying 4 Comments
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kunjappychayan (January 27, 2012)

Ee Dr.Korah ezhuthunnathu aara? anybody know who is that...?
monu (January 26, 2012)
is this church,we need to understand why these all happens,,we want our church to move in a proper manner, in every level, see in every church the gen council will elect some good leaders those having god's grace,,,(foreigh churches) this is what we need ,not in a politics and govt electons......that is why many new churches are rising nowadays,,,, why god is using new churches in everywhere,,,we need to understand..but pentecostal churches are going down,,we need to be careful,because there is corruption in church,,that's why! i know many churches which are following correct doctrines and teaching in new gen churches...
meaning of pentecostal is -with people of god and presence of god's spirit.. where is it today??? think!!! that's why many youths are going from pentecostal to new churches because they are not equipping them to do work and train them in way of god,,
my dear broth and sis please stop politics and jesus is coming soon...
thomas vemmelil (January 24, 2012)
The Church is a living organism, not a dead organization. In the Acts of the apostles, the church was a living organism. At that time believers took the ascended Christ as their Head and were under His authority.They were ruled and led by the Spirit. The human will, the letter, and regulations are not expressed in Acts, nor is there a system or an organization.This is the proper condition that God desires to have on earth. Regrettably, all what we see today in these organizations are abnormal conditions. Many worldly things that are brought into these organizations cause the Church to lose her function as the Body of Christ.They are degraded indeed even beyond the level of Catholicism instead of being spiritual, it is of the earth instead of being heavenly, and it is human instead of being divine.Our convention stages are becoming the stages for the politicians and the Babylonian leaders!The shame of our nakedness is indeed being revealed. Oh Lord! how great is the vision of Thy Body!
a. s. mathew (January 24, 2012)
" Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy" Psalms 126:5. We lost the
heart of restitution and brokeness, but fully overtaken by egotism
and materialism, and the conventions will end up as dry events.
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