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sF.] ^manen tIm^dkv Intm^v ktf\n DPzm XpSw

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 16, 2011
Views: 18923

Great start for IPC family conference.
Great start for IPC family conference
\|tbmv: CUym s]tmkvXv ssZhk`bpsS Atacnbnepw Im\Ubnepap hnizmknIfpsS almktaf\n\mbp {]mcw`L cPnkvtSj Intm^v ktf\w CUym {InkvXy Akwn k`bn Unkw_ 11 Rmbdmgv \S. \|tbmv ]Wnepw kao] {]tZifnepap sF.] k`m ip{iqjImw kwLS\m `mchmlnIfpw hnhn[ k`Ifnse hnizmkn {]Xn\n[nIfpw ]sSp ktf\n ]m ]n. ^nenv AyX hlnp. Ihj {IaoIcWsfdnv \mjW sk{Idn {_Z kmw tXmakv BapJ {]kwKhpw, t{]m{Kmw {IaoIcWsfqdnpw , kmnI hnjbsfdnpw \mjW Iho\ dh. sPbnwkv tPmPv Dw, \mjW {Sjdm {_Z tPmPv kmapthepw hniZoIcW \Sn.
Gsd ]pXpaI \ndXpw bphP\w ktlmZcnamw thn \SsSpXpamb ]cn]mSnIsfdnv {]tXyIw {]kvXmh\I \SpIbpmbn. ^manen tIm^dkns\ tkmjy aoUnb s\v hIfmb t^kv_pv, Szn XpSnb skpIfpambn _sSpnbnpsv sk{Idn kmw tXmakv ]dp. \mjW Iho\ ]m sPbnwkv tPmPv dPnkvt{Sj Intm^v DXvLmS\w sNbvXp. FItZiw 40 ]cw t] BZy Znhkw Xs cPn sNbvXXp H h hnPbambn IXp.

sF.] Cut̬ doPnb sshkv {]knUv ]m tPm tXmakv, sk{Idn ]m tPmk^v hneywkv, {Sjdm hKokv ^nenv, ktkvIq Ubd ]m Bhn tUhnUv, ]n.ssh.]n.F {]knUv ktmjv tPmPv, teUokv an\nkv{Sokv {]knUv knkn hm tPmk, ]mamcmb Cn G{_lmw, tPmPv aX|, tP_v tPmPv, tPmPv tam\, kn ^nenv, sI. hn. G{_lmw, aX| kmapth Fnhw, ktlmZcmcmb ambn amX|, sPbnwkv hokv, tPmk^v amX| XpSnbh aonn ]sSpv BiwkI Adnbnp. ]m tXmwk ssIXawKew kzmKXhpw, {_Z kmapth sbmlm \nbpw ]dp.

Pqsse 2629 hsc ^vtfmdnUbnse temtImc Ihj skdmb hnUw HemtUm dntkmn shmW" ]Xn\nmaXv ^manen tIm^d\kv \SXv. Ihjt\mS_nv ^vtfmdnUbn Fphv hnt\mZ kmcn {IaoIcWfpw {][m\ tjIfn \nv bm{Xm kuIcyfpw \mjW, tem InIfpsS t\{XnXzn sNvXp hXmbn `mchmlnI Adnbnp.
dh. sPbnwkv tPmPv (\mjW Iho\), {_Z kmw tXmakv (\mjW sk{Idn), {_Z tPmPv kmapth (\mjW {Sjdm), {_Z B{Uq hn. BWn (bqv tImUnt\), {_Z cmP Bcyn (aoUnb tImUnt\), kn ^ntem amX| (teUokv tImUnt\) FnhcmW" ]Xns\mmaXv tIm^dkn t\XrXzw \Xv.

cPnkvt{Sjw IqSpX hnhc w: sF]nkn^manentIm^dkv.HmKv


Displaying 2 Comments
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joseph mathew (December 19, 2011)
It is nice to hear that the conference has kicked off.
joy chembakasseril, usa. (December 16, 2011)
i wish all success to the i.p.c. family conference scheduled to be held in july 2012 at orlando, florida. may the good lord shower all blessings for the success of this conference !!!!!
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