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IPC Election politics: Believers are unhappy
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 5, 2011
Views: 16029

IPC Election politics: Believers are unhappy.
Ip--\mSv: skp-e cwKs shpw hn[-n \S-p cm{ob Ifn-I-fn hnizm-kn-Iġp Akw-Xr]vXn hn-p-p. tPp-I-fn ImWp hnip--m-cpsS asmcp apJw shfn-hm-p Ce- X{- P\w Xncn--dn-p -Xp-S-n-bn-cn-p-p. A[n-Imc Itk-c-bvp-thn GXp thjhpw sIp A`n-\b N{I-hnam-cpsS X\n-\ndw Xncn--dn P\w ASp--sX-c-s-Sp-n {]Xn-I-cnphm Xm-sd-Sp-p-p. e--W-n\v cq] hen-s-dnv m\w Dd-n-p-hm t\Xm--m cl-ky-ambn \S-p Ifn-I C-hW ]c-ky-amphm\mWv Hcp hn`mKw ip{iq-j-Icpw hnizm-knIfpw Xm-sd-Sp-p--Xv. ]m\-ep-Iġv thmp \Im ]Ww \Ip--h-scbpw ]Ww hmp--h-scbpw Hcp t]mse shn-em-p \o-am-Wn-Xv. _neo-thgvkv tPW \S-p sF. ]n. kn. Ce- 2012 A`n-{]mb kt-bp-ambn _-sv e`n-p hnh-c- m\-tam-ln-Iġv sR-ep-f-hm-p--Xm-Wv. k`m Imcy- {in-msX kzXmev]-cy- kwc-n-p--h-scbpw k`-bpsS HutZym-KnI m\- ssIh-i-am-n-b tijw B ]Zhn D]tbmKnv kz {Sp-Iġpw m]-\-ġpw thn am{Xw k-p--p--hs-Xn-scbpw P\-tcmw i-am-Wv. A\l-scbpw A\p-bm-bn-I-sfbpw Gcnb-Ifpw sk-dp-Ifpw \Inb IqsS \np--Xn A[n-Im-c-n Ccn-p--h a-cn-p-p. CXn-s\-Xn-scbpw hnizm-kn-I i-am-bmWv {]Xn-I-cn-p--Xv. BZi- {]kw-Kn-p-Ibpw AWn-b-d-bn ]cky \ne-]m-SpIs-Xn-cmbn Iqp-sIv Dm-p-Ibpw sNp I]S BZi-hm-Zn-I-sfbpw P\w Xncn--dn-n-cn-p-p-shv {]Xn-I-c-W- hy-am-p-p. Nne kmt-XnI Imc-W--fm HIvtSm-_ 10mw XobXn am{Xta tPW A`n-{]mb kt ^ew {]kn-o-I-cn-pIbp-q. ]pXnb `c-W-k-an-Xn-bn-tev Hn-e-[nIw t]cp-I Hmtcm m\-tbvpw \nt-in--s-Sp--Xp-sImv P\-d {]kn-Uv, sshkv {]kn-Uv, P\-d sk{I--dn, tPm. sk{I-dnam, {Sj-dm, tIcfm tv {]kn-Uv, sshkv {]kn-Uv, tPm. sk{I--dn-am, {Sj-dm Fo Hmtcm m\--fn-tepw aqp t]cp-I hoXap Hcp ]m\ Bbn-cnpw HIvtSm-_ 10 \v {]kn-o-I-cn-p-I. AXn \npw hmb-\mv Ah B{K-ln-p Bfn\v thmp sNp-hm Ah-kcw hopw \Ip--Xm-bn-cn-pw. \hw-_ 10 \v HutZym-KnI m\-tbvv hmb-\-m \nt-in-p--h-cpsS t]cp-Ifpw Ahv e`n thmp-Ifpw {]kn-o-I-cn-pw. _neo-thgvkv tPW sh_vssk-nepw A`n-{]mb kt-bn ]s-Sp-p-hm\p {Iao-I-cWw sNbvXn-p-v. BZy L kt-bn ]s-Sp-p-hm-\p Ah-km\ XobXn HIvtSm-_ 5.


Displaying 4 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
sajivarghese (October 3, 2011)
at last sons of anti christ entered in the church also
kj mathew (September 22, 2011)
i m just aganist all this type of it a church or a poltical commintee? i dont understand the fact , what they are doing inside this spiritual looks like another mode of secular inside the spirituality.......i m so ahamed of it....

jojy. bombay. (September 13, 2011)
I think the possible elected pastors will be General Counci. President Pr.Valson Abraham, Vice President Pr.K.M.Joseph, Secretary Pr.K.C.John, Joint Secreatry Pr.Sam George, Treasurer Bro.P.M.Philip. Kerala State President Pr.K.C.Thomas, Vice President Pr.M.P.George Kutty, Secretary Pr.Philip P Thomas, Joint Secretary Pr.Varghese Mathai and Treasurer Bro.Kurian Joseph.
a. s. mathew (September 5, 2011)
Too much money when handled by the politians or religious people can lead to many dirty tricks and games in the
election process. How, these God's
people became too rich too fast? Some of them came to the U.S., with their
few ready-made sermons, made more money
than a neurosurgeon in a few days. If somebody is invited to speak in a Church, pay him or her a reasonable compensation, but some of the preachers have a tendency to visit every home
possible and collect money for short
prayers. For the dirty politics being
practiced in the Churches, certain fault must be admitted by the believers
for throwing away their money to the
fighter's pocket.
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