Author: M.V Philip
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Feb 9, 2012
Views: 16029
IPC Malabar region - what is the reality?.
G. Pn ae_m cq]oIcWtmsS Dhn ae_m doPnb F Bhiyw sF. ]n. knbn KpcpXcamb {]iv\ġv hgnshncnpp. ae_mdnse {]h\fpsS hnPbn\v GI t]mwhgn F \nebnemWv Hcp hn`mKw Cu Bhiyhpambn aptmp hncnpXv. AXn\v DZmlcWambn G. Pn. ae_mdns hfbmWv Ah FSpp ImpXv. adphn`mKamIs tIcfm tns\ hn`PncpsXpw CtmgpXpt]mse {]tXyIamb ]XnIfpambn aptmpt]mIWsapw hmZnpp. AXn\v Ah sF. ]n. kn. `cWLS\bmWv B[mcampXv. `cWLS\ {]Imcw Hcp tn\pn asmcp doPnb A\phZnm ]mSn. AXn\v ]nXpW \Ip \nebnep \nbtam]tZiw Hcp {]apJ\nba\n \npw e`npI IqsS sNbvXnpv. tIcfm tns\ hn`Pnphm\p P\d Iuknens Xmev]cyn\p ]nn tIcfmtv NpaXemtcmSp hntZzjhpw Akqbbpw ]I t]mepamsWmWv tIcfm tv FIvknIyqohvkv ]dbpXv.
CXn\nSbn sX XncphnXmwIqdnse sF. ]n. kn. {]h\ insSpphm sX XncphnXmwIq doPnb thWsa Bhiyhpambn B taJebneph aptmp hpIgnp. C\n ssltdpImcpw XoctZimcpw IqSnsbnbm kwKXn IpimemIpw. Cu hn`P\w KpWIcamb amn\v hgnshbvptam Fv NIfneqsSbpw ]T\fneqsSbpamWv a\nemt Xv. Cybpw ]mnm\pw Xn \S hn`P\w t]mse HmWv \SpsXn AXn Fv BobXbmWpXv.
]ckv]cw t]mhnfnpw acnpw t\SnsbSpp ItkcsImv Fp KpWamWpmIpI. ae_mdnse hfbvv XSambn \n¡pXv doPnb cq]oIcnmXp am{XamtWm? ZoLhj {]hnnpw th\nebn {]h\w hnimeamImsXbncpXn\v ImcWw CXpam{XamtWm? hntZip\npw kzcq]n ]Ww ae_mdnse t\Xmm \nt]nXv kzw kmZyw hnnm\mtWm AtXm k`m hfbvpthnbmtWm? doPnb F Bhiyhpambn apn \n¡ph X t\SnbXns IWpI ipa\mntbmsS {]knoIcnphm XmdmIptam? AtXm ic IpSambn ae_mdns\ Iv AXp IqSn ssIbnphmcphm\p B{ImamtWm doPnb F Bhiyn\v tlXp?
Cu acw KpWn\. IqSpX hyn hntZzjhpw AI¨bpw hnphm am{Xta DXIp. Ipnpcs\smv NqSptNm hmcnp ]Wn sNph Hcp aSnhchn\mbn ssZh kn[nbn G¸ns. doPnb hcs. AXp \Xp Xs. Fm BcoI Dtiw \mbncnWw Fp am{Xw. ae_m doPnb m]npXns\ A adnv AXns t]cn \Sp A \mSIsfbpw cmjv{Sob IfnIsfbpamWv tPW FXnpXv. ]mhs kphntijIcpsSbpw hnizmknIfpsSbpw t]cn ssIhncen Fmhph \Sp sIm Ahkm\nWw Fp am{Xw.
Cv BobXbpsS adhn \Sp {]lk\fnsempw ssZhn\v {]kmZan. cmjv{Sob IfnI \Sp ]m te_epIm kzcmPyn\v AhIminIfmIpIbpan. ]mhw hnizmknIsfbpw ip{iqjIscbpw \nfpsS Xmev]cy kwcWn\mbn D]tbmKnmsX Ahsc shdpsX hnSpI Fsmct] am{Xw. ae_mdpw XncphnXmwIqdpw ssltdpw XoctZihpw Fmw doPnb BIs. ChnsSmw {]knUpw sk{Idnbpw {]kv_ndnbpw Iuknepsams DmIs. t\Xmmv Ccnm Ah knwlmk\sfmcps. Fm apn \ymbhn[nbpsp t_m[yw Dn hm \mbncpp. temImscm tamiamb \nebn cmjv{Sobw Ifnph ]nSp kphntijn\v Fv hnebmWv temIw \IpXv.
contd:-positions for power and authority. See what is happening in Brazil. Beaten only by the U.S., now Brazil is the second largest Protestant country in the world. Brazil stands no 5 in the GDP in the world. Recently they found oil reserve in the ocean worth billions of barrels of oil; far greater than Saudi oil reserve. Administrative expansions are needed, but it will not bring light to any soul in the world. We all need to have a special calling and dedication in sending more missionaries from each congregation, which will bring greater blessings in our Churches in the long run.