Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 6, 2011
Views: 19936
IPC South East region problems resolved.
^vtfmdnU: sF.] kuv Cuv doPnb Ign Nne BgvNIfmbn IepjnXambn {]i\ġv hncmaw. sk]vw_ 3mw XnbXn i\nbmgv abmanbn hv \S P\d t_mUnbnemW" {]iv\ġv XmevmenI ]cnlmcapmbXv. ]m tPm imapthens\Xnsc H hn`mKw Dbnb Btcm]W P\d t_mUn Xnfp. doPnb `mchmlnI, P\d Iukn AwK, ]n.ssh.]n.F, tkmZco kamPw Fnh ASnb kuv Cuv doPnbs F {]h\fpw achnnncnXmbpw, 2012 sk]vw_ Hn\' \S P\d t_mUnbn doPnbs ]pXnb `mchmlnI sXcsSpv \Sphmw Xoam\np. P\d t_mUn hnfnpIqphm ]m\ NpaXesSnn. tIcfn sImmcc skdns NpaXe ]m tPm imapthen\" \Xpambn _spmb {]iv\fpsS XpSbmbn doPnb\nse hnjbsfmW' ]dbpXv. P\d FIvknI}ohv m\tv acnXn \nv Hgnhmhm t_m[]qambn \Snb IfnIfmW" Atlns\Xnsc Dbnb Btcm]WfneqsS eyanssXw CXn ]nn tIcfm tnse H HutZymKnI m\nbpsS Icw {]hnpshw kwibn.
pastor k. m joseph should be the next i.p.c general president. he is a leader with charisma & annointing. he has been serving i.p.c for last 40 plus years and 22 year as executive . we need him to step out from the leadership as i.p.c general president. let's encourage and make a smooth transition for pastor k. m joseph to become the president. let others step down for him for one time for his last term. that will be true spirit of pentecostal. let's honour him who served us faithfully for this years