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IpISn : B_m[ sImtt]mIq

Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Apr 10, 2012
Views: 14064

Kallukadi : That evil spirit will leave only with them..
Nne _m[I _m[npIgnm _m[n Bfns\bpw sImt t]mImdpq FmWv ]dbpXv. sF. ]n. knbn CXv Ctm Hcp t\Xmhns Imcyn kw`hnpsImncnpIbmWv. D]tZin\pw ]mccyn\pw thn \nesImv Ign Ce\n DzehnPbw t\Snb {Kqns\ \bn t\Xmhv. ]t Ign aqp hjw sImv AWnIsfms sImgnpt]mIp ImgvNbmWv IphcpXv. IqsS \nhscbpw klmbnhscbpw Hs NXnsv hne]nv ]ecpw FXn ]mfbn tNtdn. slt{_m\n \S bphP\ sXcsSpn {]Xn^enXv Cu t\Xmhnt\mSp hntZzjsm t\Xmhns\ _m[n _m[tbmSmWv. {`mt\mSv {`mpsv ]dm {`m kXnmdn. CXpt]mse Cu _m[ A]ISamsWv ]dm t\Xmhv kXnnsöv am{Xa AXv _m[b A\p{KlamWv F anemWv {]XnIcnmdpXv. Fm kvXpXn ]mSIscm Imcy Xpdp]dbphsc AwKoIcnpXmWv _pnbp t\Xmhns Ignhv. kvXpXn]mSIcpsS hmpI tIv Znhmkz]v\w ImWph ]etmgpw Imen Nphnse av Henpt]mbXn\p tijta Imcyw a\nemmdpq. ]n. ssh. ]n. F. Ce\neqsS anhmdpw asmenpIgnp. C\nbpXv \mepamkw. _mnbp av t]mIptam Fv Adnbmw.

ASnpdnv: ASntte t]mbnsæn t]mtbte ASnbvpI. As\ Hcp ]gsamgnbpw aebmfnepv.


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