Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 21, 2012
Views: 20621
Kukku Sayippu that karumba saw.
Ncn{Xns GSpIfneqsS Hcp bm{X. tdm_v F^v. Ipv Cybn hXns iXm_vZn BtLmjw 2013 P\phcnbn Bcw`npp. AXns `mKambn tdm_v Ippambn _s Ncn{X kw`h hmb\mmbn AhXcnnpp. Bhn ]d-p Ibn \nv Hcp IjWw ASnsbSpv Immcn apfIv DS N-n-bn apn Ipp kmbv]v hmbn-tep shp. NmSn-sb- gp-t kmbv]ns In \npw Io Hen-n-d-n. Fcnhv kln-m hmsX ""NXntm NXntm'' Fp \nd-I-p-I-tfmsS kmbv]v ]d-Xv
Hmv Ipdp Ipepnncn-p.
sFcmWnpSn F Xs {Kman Fnb Ippkmbv]ns\ I IpdpbpsS IYbmWv Cu en.
hmbnpI: 2012 sk]vXw_ 25
When we read the stories of the great missionaries who left the western countris and landed in the Asian and African countries to shed the light of the gospel, it will break our conscience; and we will be totally feeling ashamed about ourselves, our lack of concern for the suffering world. The Moravian missionaries from Germany-Brethren-
Methodist-Catholic-Pentecostal-Presbyterian-Anglican-Salvation Army-
Seventh Day Adventists-London Missionary Society etc from the U.S. and Europen countries took the greatest self-sacrifice to reach the dark continents of the world.
We are all enjoying the blessings and prosperity of life because our forefathers saw the light through these great selfless missionaries who were totally driven by the love of CHRIST and passion for souls.
Now, look at the modern missionaries? we would be caught up in coma!