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`cWw kpXm-cy-am-Is

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jan 24, 2012
Views: 14779

Let the administration be transparent.
Bob t\XrXzw FXv P\s Bob A\p-`-h--fn-tepw D]-tZi kXy-n-tepw \bn-p-hm-\p--Xm-Wv. tai-bnse ip{iqj Ahp sNp-hm-\-dn-bp-sa-nepw Bob ip{iq-j-Iġv `wKw hcm-Xn-cn-p-hm AXn \nsm-gnp \n¡p-Ibpw Ignhpw kmyhpw hniz-kvX-bp-ap--hsc Acw Imcy-ġmbn \ntbm-Kn-p-Ibpw thWw CXmWv ]pXnb \nb-a-n ImWp Iogv hgw. Fm Bob t\XrXzw ssIm-fp--h Xs `uXnI Imcy--fnepw t\XrXzw \Ip-p. Bob t\XrXzw hN\ ip{iq-j-bnepw {]m-\-bnepw Dn-cpv P\-n\v Bh-iy-amb ZqXv \I-Ww. ^e-{]-Z-amb ip{iqj sN-Ww. Ignhpw hnZym-`ym-khpw ssZh-Ir-]-bp--h AUvan-\n-kvt{S-j \S--s. Cv kw`-hn-n-cn-p-Xv CXv cpw D]-tZ-in-am ssI-S-n-bn-cn-p-p. AXp-sImv kw`-hn-Xv Kpcp-X-c-amb hogvN-bm-Wv. \mbn {]kw-Knp sImn-cp--hcpw ip{iqj sNbvXp-h--hcpw `c-W-Im--fm-b-tm ip{iqj At ]cm-P-b-ambn amdn. `c-W-]-c-ambn Imcy-fpw XInSw adn-bp-p. Bob `uXnI cwK--fn k`-I ]cm-P-b-am-Ip-p. Agn-a-Xnbpw kzP-\-]--]m-Xhpw hn-p-p. hN-\-ip-{iqj sNt--h _nkn-\-kp-Im-cm-Ip-p. {]mn-t kabw cmjv{Sob kmaqly _nkn-\v cwK--fnse Bfp-I-tfm-sSmw tai ]n-Sp-p. Ah-km\w kw`-hn-p-tXm Bob ip{iq-I shdpw {]I-S-\-ambn amdp-p. k`-bpsS ]Whpw k`bvp e`n-t ]Whpw ssI-em-p-hm X{- sa\-bp {Zhym-{K-ln-I-fmbn Ah amdn.

ChnsS Bhiyw am-am-Wv. Hcp aS-n-h-cn-hn-\p Imew AXn-{I-an-n-cn-p-p. Cv sbcp-itew tZhm-e-b-n tbip I ImgvN-bmWv k`m Bm-\--fn. hn¡p--hcpw hmp--h-cp-amb hmWn-`-m, Ah-cpsS tai-I, kvtXm{X kzc-n\p ]I-c-ap-b-cp \mW-b-p-p-I-fpsS Inep-In-em-c-hw. temI-tc-m A[:]Xn--h-cpsS Iq-ambn s]s-tm-kvXp-Im amdn--gn-n-cn-p-p. ChnsS hmgpXv A[n-Imc cmjv{So-b-am-Wv. aWn- ]-dpw an ]dpw Hp-tN cmjv{Sobw. ChnsS tbmKy-X-bpsS sNtm Bo-b-X-b-, ]W-am-Wv. tPn ImWp-Xv Bob A\p-`-h-a ]Icw Bob thjw sI-ep-I-fm-Wv. A[n-Imcw ssI-S-p-hm-\p X{Xm-Sn \jvS- s-Sp-p-Xv aqey--fm-Wv.

P\m-[n-]Xyw sImSn-Ipn hmgp sF. ]n. knbnse cmjv{Sobfn-I {]tXyIw ]d-tb Imcy-an-. AhnsS \S-p cmjv{So-b--fn-Iġpthn apS-p kwJy tImSn-bn-se-pw. Nv Hm^v tKmUnepw Akw-okv Hm^v tKmUnepw e- apS-n-bmWv Ifn-I. Bo-b-Xbpw Iocpw Xmgva-bp-sams tPn {]I-Sn-n-p \psS t\Xm--m-cpsS X\n-\ndw shfn-s-Sp-Xv sXc-s-Sp-p-th-f-I-fnse ]nm-p-d-I-fn-I-fn-em-Wv, thWw kaq-e-amb amw. thWw Hcp aS-n-h-c-hv. kpXm-cy-amb `cW kwhn-[m\w Hmtcm k`-bvp-ap-m-I-Ww.


Displaying 6 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
tom (January 30, 2012)

What comment on what section?
dany (January 29, 2012)
@a s mtahew,@joy chembakasseril,@samkutty mathew,@believers journal,@cog pastors,@cog member. Is there any truth in what this cog well wisher trying to say?, on his comments on cog election supplement. Can someone who knows the truth talk on it. At least will believers journal, who always speaks truth can bring light on those matters mentioned?
a.s.mathew (January 29, 2012)
BROTHR SAMRAJ: Not all the Bible colleges and conventions are to be closeed, but some of the Bible schools and Bible colleges are simply to collect money from the unsuspecting donors. There are well established Bible colleges and Bible schools, but a whole lot of colleges are turning as a pure business. I am not commenting about the yearly conventions, but there are a lot of other seminars and conferences being operated as business. Many of the foreign conferences conducted in India are big business. They collect plenty of money from the donors here showing the pictures of the conference. It is terribly sad to say that the Christian ministry is operated strictly as a money-making business by some unethical people, thus

establishing big business corporations for their children through

playing religion.
samraj (January 29, 2012)
Close down Bible colleges....Shut up general conventions....Stop money collections in pentecostal worship...can u do this? there cam be hope? Or else its doom on u, pentecostals...........take it for granted!
thomas vemmelil (January 25, 2012)
yes, it is true that we are living in babylon now. we need to return to jerusalem for she is our mother (gal. 4:26) only the returned israelites were the nation of israel. this is because they returned to jerusalem to regain the proper worship to god and rebuild the temple and the city. as a result, god could also return to zion (zech. 8:3), and the glory of god could again be expressed through them. in figure, today, the pentecostalism including all other denominations are living in babylon to become the ultimate consummation of the great babylon(rev. 17:5). a return to the proper ground of the church indeed is the need of the hour now. proper ground of the church is jerusalem which is to become the ultimate consummation of the new jersalem.(rev. 21:2) how wonderful is that song that sung by mahakavi k v simon " puthen yerusaleme divya bhaktarkullalayame". every saved believer should come out to the normal church instead of remaining in deformed christianity.
a. s. mathew (January 24, 2012)
There must be new reformation in all denominations. Those people who are called for the ministry, must fully concentrate their time, effort and ability for the ministry alone. If they are put into administration in any aspect, they will be forced to step down to a different world of frictions and tricks, and they will be losing their spiritual gift and strength. For the building construction, let those people who have connection with that field may do it. If it is shopping for the Church, let somebody else may do it. If the Pastors are drawn into every small and big issues of the Church business and administration, they will be under severe pressure and their ministry would be greatly suffering. But for some Ministers in all denominations, they would like to have the final say so and control of every event in the Church; which is totally an autocratic attitude.
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