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hopw am[y-a-hn- Nmcw...

Anil Kodithottam
Author: Anil Kodithottam
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Mar 23, 2012
Views: 23414

Madhyama Vicharam.
s]s-tmkvXp {]kn-o-I-c-W-fnse {]tab Bhn-jvI-c-W-nse icn-sX-p-I hni-I-e\w sNp am[y-a-hn-Nmcw F ]wn ss{IkvXh kmln-Xy-cw-Ks \qX\ cN\m kao-]-\-am-bn-cp-p. Cc-bvpw th-m-c\pw thn Hcp-t]mse i_vZn-bpw Ccp-]--p-\npw ]mcn-tXm-jnIw ssI-p--Xp-amb Hcp ]pXnb am[y-a- kw-kvImcw ChnsS hf-cp-I-bm-W-tm. A\l-amb hgn-I-fn-eqsS BZiw _en-I-gn-p Cu A]Y km-cs s]mXp-P-\-k-aw Xpdp Imp Hcp tImfw F \ne-bn \njv] a\-kp-I-fpsS AwKo-Im-chpw Fgpv F kmkvIm-cnI ka-c- Is Hcp-Xcw tImam-fn \ne-hm-c-n-tev Xcw-Xm-gvnb Nne am[ya DS-a-I-fp-sSbpw kn_-n-I-fpsS FXnpw am[y-a-hn-Nmcw F tImf-tmSpw Fgp-p-Im-c-t\mSpw cq]-s-n-p-v.

k`m-Iukn-ep-I-fnse m\-am-\-fpw hntZ-i-bm{X hgn kam-l-cn-m-hp km-nI \-Ifpw ey-anv {]hn-p ]{X-ġv kXy-ns apJw A\m-h-cWw sNbvXp-Im-Wp-Xv thZ\bp-f-hm-p-a-tm. Fm am[y-a-hn-Nmcw F A]-I-S-I-camb tImfw {]kn-o-I-cn-p-sImv _neo-thgvkv tPW Cu cwKv hgn-amdn \S-m {ian-p. {ItaW am[ya Ipe-]-Xn-I X-fm-sWp Icp-Xn-tm-cph Ac-bpw Xebpw apdpn tPW-en-s\-Xn-scbpw _ln-jvI-cWw Bcw-`n-p. hj--fmbn \no-h-am-bn-n-S {]kv Atkm-kn-tb-j Fsmcp kwL-S\ ]p\-cp-o-hn-nv Ah If-n-en-d-n. Ah-cpsS I]-S-m Nne ]mh-fpw sXn-tm-Im kwKXn hp. BPo-h-\m {]kn-Upw `mc-hm-ln-I-fp-ap kwL-S-\-bn {]mY-an-Imw-K-am-Im-\p tbmKyX kmln-Xy-tam-jWw \S-nbhcm-IWw F Iogvhgw krjvSn-p.

CXn-\n-S-bn tPW {]knw sNbvX Hcp ]ckyw \nanw DS-se-Sp {]Xn-kn am[y-a-hn-Nmcw F tImf-sa-gp-Xp--Xn \npw ]ntm-p-t]m-Im Cu teJ-Is\ \n-n-X-\m-n. Ctm-gnXm Fm Akz--X-Ifpw ]dp ]cn-l-cnv hopw Xqen-Im-bp--n\v tPW-en-eqsS Xs teJ-I Xm-dm-hp-I-bm-Wv. Icp-Xn-bn-cn-p-I, am[y-a-hn-Nm-c-Is Bekyw apX-se-Spv kap-Zm-b-{]o-W-\-n\p Irjn-bn-d-m s]s-tm-kvXn Irjn-ew tXSp A-I-hn-p-fpw ]cn-hm-c--fpw, kqn-p-I. {InkvXob am[y-a-{]-h-\-ns ]cn-ip-nbpw etymap-J-Xbpw XI apgp-h ]nn-cn-amcpw Icp-Xn-bn-cn-p-I--hmm-h-X-cWw apX ]c-ky- tIm-f- hsc-bp A]m-I-X-I-fpsS Kpcp-e-LpXzw Nqn icn-]--tv hmb-\-m-cs\ \bn-p kmwkvIm-cnI _Z tcJ--am-[y-a-hn-Nmcw ASp--ew apX.


Displaying 12 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
a. s. mathew (April 9, 2012)
Mr. Achyan original: read Mathew 5:22, which may solve your chronic

amnesia problem. This is my last comment.
vattaparampil chackochen (April 9, 2012)
i am really blessed reading all the articles and comments in believers journal. i think there is no other christian newspaper in the world of the caliber of believers journal were all the caste away's can vent or fert their frustrations of their minds on others to be satisfy their inferiority and be blessed by their contemporaries who are willing to smile with them. may the lord bless this con-artist. i don't know achayan original, but graffitti polleea orronnu ezhuthi vakkunna evanneea okkeea thallikollandaa kaalam athikkramicchirikkunnu. god bless the united states of georgia and tennessee paragraph.
kunjachan (April 9, 2012)
To all reading comments- the 'Kunjachan' commented to asm two days back is not the Kunjachan,who was writing comments here some days back. The new Kunjachan may please use an identity mark.
achayan original (April 7, 2012)
i can't comment on as mathew's, since he has put it. whether you support me or not i will have to say what i thought best.
kunjachan (April 7, 2012)
@asm: can u point to me the achayan original's offensive comment?
a. s. mathew (April 6, 2012)
Since Mr. achayan original wrote an higly offending comment about me,

I made a decision not to write any comment or article in the

Belivers's journal (wrote one condolence). The comment " I support achayan

orginal here..." is not my comment. Somebody put my name, which is

not at all appreciated and that is a very cheap trick.
a.s mathew (April 6, 2012)
I support achayan Original here..
ben usa (March 28, 2012)
Good to see you here in Jernal. Welcome back. Congratulation To you Mr Anil Kdithottum. Keep up the good job
achayan original (March 27, 2012)
Who is this guy who claim to know all things and seems like to talk about all. I genuinely doubt his intentions now. He can't just wash the dirt now saying he has solved his problem with Journal. If he is truly the man he talks about himself, he should not return to Journal where he was snubbed (according to him). He should look for new avenues to vent his frustration.

asher (March 24, 2012)
hearty welcome sir.....

matew (March 24, 2012)
ini idiyum minnalum pratheekshikkam.
k.m.johnson,poovanthuruth (March 24, 2012)
Congrachulations dear friend congrachulations. You are a blessed writer, we need your contributions in christian relam.Thankyou My friend Anil Kodithottam.
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