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]m {_b hokv (33) \ncymX\mbn

Pastor Brian Varghese (33) passes away
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 14, 2012
Views: 24642

Pastor Brian Varghese (33) passes away.
^neU^nb ^ptKmkv] Akwnbnse bqv ]m, ]m {_b hokv (33) \ncymX\mbn. G{]n 11 \" 8:30 \' \|tbmv satmdnb tmh sIdnwKv tlmkv]nen hmbn Ayw. Ign 5 hjne[nIambn ^ptKmkv] Akwnbnse bqp]m F \nebnepw, AXnapv ^neU^nb {Kbvkv s]tmkvXv Nn bphP\fpsS atybpw iambn {]hnp hcnIbmbn ]m {_b. Kbm\, {Sn\nUmUv, Cy Fo cmPyfn anj\dn {]h\ \Snbnpv.

tUmbn uWn tPmk hoknsbpw imbptSbpw koa]p{X\mW" {_b, `mcy sjdn ^neU^nbnse amX| sI. hoknsbpw 檽bptSbpw ]p{XnbmW'. _v"en GI ktlmZc\mW'. \}tPgvknbnse BZyIme ]mamcnsemcmfb sNq ]m\mSv sNItcn ]tcX\mb ]m kn.Fw. hokns ]u{X\mW" {_b.

^neU^nb ^ptKmkv] Awkwn lmfnhv G{]n 14 \' i\nbmgvbpw, 15 \" RbdmgvNbpw sshInv 5 apX 9 hsc h|bnwKv kokpw, 16 \' Xnfmgv cmhnse 9 aWnv Iunsse tdmUnep kskv satmdnb skantcnbn tlmw tKmbnwKv kokpw \Sw. ]mamcmb G{_lw, tUm. km_p hokv, tP_v hokv, kmapth tPm Fnh ip{iqjIġv t\XrXzw \w.

hm AbpXXv: tPmk^v ]meaw


Displaying 6 Comments
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mathw alemamma eapen cooper city florida (April 15, 2012)
Our Heartflt prayers extended to all his family . May Our Almigty God comfort all his near and dear ones.
sam & jolly, vly cottage, ny (April 15, 2012)
I pray that the peace which surpasses all understanding will abide with his family. May Almighty God comfort all his near and dear ones.
jinu dubai (April 15, 2012)
God taking his loved ones very early, but as a born again believer we don't need to be sad, but we'l miss him allot, now he is resting with God forever.. may God comfort his loved ones, praying for them!
rajan ariyappallil, atlanta (April 14, 2012)
My heartfelt prayers exteneded to all the famlily and those who loved him.
the editor (April 14, 2012)
hearty condolence to his family.
josephine samuel (April 14, 2012)
Heartfelt condolence....!!!! May God console his family....
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