Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 10, 2012
Views: 28171
PCNAK 2013 : Good-bye to uncertainties. Pastors and believers of New York comes to understanding.
\yqtbmv: \yqtbmv \Kcnepw, kao] {]tZifnepap k`m {]Xn\n[nIfpsS aonwKv ]m tam\n amXyq ip{iqjnp ^v Nv Hm^v tKmUn shv sk]vw_ 9mw XobXn RmbdmgvN sshInv 4.30 \v \Sp. 2013 \yqtbmn \Sp s]stmkvXv tIm^dknt\mS\p_nv Ign Nne amkfmbn Dbp h Dulmt]mlġpw, Bib Ipgġpw, A`yqlġpw hncmaambn.
]m Cn G{_lmans AyXbn IqSnb aonwKn ]m sI. hn. G{_lmw Bcw` {]m\ \Sn. \yqtbmnep k`I 2013 ]n. kn. F. F. sIbn ]sSpt Fp {]tabw ]m hnճ tPmkv AhXcnnphm {ianpshnepw AXv \nba hncpamsWv IqSnhh A`n{]mbsSpIbpw, XnfbpIbpw sNbvXp.
aqp ]Xnmmbn ] F. F. sIbneqsS hfnsmph t\mv Atacnbnepw, Im\Umbnepap s]stmkvXv k`IfpsS sFIyw XIphm \yqtbmnep Nne ]mamcpw hnizmknIfpw {ianpXv A\mtcmKy]chpw, A]e]\obhpamsW A`n{]mbw kZn \npmbXns\ IqSnhh HSw AwKoIcnp.
\yqtbmnse hnizmknIfpw ip{iqjIcpw _lp`qcn]hpw \yqtbmv ]n. kn. F. F. sI. ktf\n\v A\pIqeamb \ne]msSSpXns\ XpSv aonwKns kwLmSI _lnjvIcWsa \ne]mSn \nv ]namdpIbpw ]sSpWtam thmtbm FpXv Hmtcm k`Iġpw Xocpam\nmw Fp \ntiw aonwKn \IpIbpambncpp. ]m am\pth tPmks {]m\tbmsS aonwKv Ahkm\np.
look like bj and defender is going to fight for a while. i am a reader of both. recently i read some article in defender that is not true. then i try to find the source. i asked editor of defender about that articles and he have no answer. not only he have answer this have an attitude and threatwning.. he basically have no knowledge of the law or the basic understanding of journalism. my humble request just don't belive everything you read. verify every article and analyze it to see the logic behind it.