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s]tmkvXv t\gvkkv ktf\w IWnn

Pentecostal Nurses meeting to be held in Connecticut
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 6, 2013
Views: 19349

Pentecostal Nurses meeting to be held in Connecticut.
\}tbmv: Pqsse 4 apX 7 hsc IWnn \S 31mwXv s]tmkvXv ktf\n s]tmkvXcmb aebmfn t\gvkpamsS ktf\w \SXmWv.

anXc Bob {]m\ġv kzambn t\gvkkv kwLS\Ifpw ktf\fpw Dtm s]tmkvXv {]m\ġv Ccw ktf\ {IaoIcnhm CXphsc Ignnn. hjfmbn Cu Bhiyw Dbnv hnhn[ kwm\fn \nap t\gvkvam Xmcyw {]ISnnXkcnv Ccw ktf\ {IaoIcnhm Nne aptmv hsnepw AsXmw Nne kafpsS ^eambn ]cmPbsSpIbmmbXv. Fm 31maXv ]nkn\mnt\mS_nv t\gvkkv ktf\w {IaoIcnv dntbUmb t\gvkpamsc BZcnIbpw ]gb HmaI ]pXphmw ssZhn\v \n Itcphmap Ahkcw HWsa Bhiyw Ctm iambncn.
Atacnbnse aebmfn s]tmkvXpImv adm\mhm henb kw`mh\bmWv \psS ktlmZco ktlmZcmcmb t\gvkv kaqlw. \psS sImp tIcfnepw CybpsS hnhn[ kwm\fnepambn t\gvknwKv ]0\nw tPmenw tijw Atacnbn tPmentbmS_nv IS hXv aqew At\I Sp_ġv Cu cmPyv IS hhmw \ \nehmcn Pohnhmw ImcWambXn\v ]nn ktlmZcfmb t\gvkpam henb XymKat\m`mhambn. Ahsc BZcnI F \psS HmtcmtSbpw Bhiyambn amdnbncn.
]sSphm B{Klnh ]nkn\mv \mjW teUokv tImUnt\ kn tagvkn ^nenpambn _sSpI.


Displaying 8 Comments
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stalin (June 29, 2013)
Nothing can be a challange to God's children,, we are not a people of weak,,

saji (June 11, 2013)
I told you guys, he is a fox.
truth vs false news bj or valan (June 10, 2013)
it is so funny to read the latest news accusing of bro. rajan and team, who are really working hard to make pcnak-13 a grand success. read the article titled "sangathi ollaampara kesayo" and look carefully. that news was published in bj june 29,2012 as it is clearly mentioned on the left side of that screen print. i will tell what valan did, he opened this old article, and took a screen to falsely accused bj. when this report was about last years opa conference. i did not know the ex-opa officials also did not have the courtesy to check on false allegations, before crucifying one of our kind. guess bj should publish an article before valan takes down his false news from his website. now we all know, who needs to go to oolampara. bj pls publish this truth. valan is the faslse news maker here :)
saji (June 8, 2013)
Jesus called him as a fox.
atlanta (June 8, 2013)
Balan not a real believer He is a mad dog. He is a anti- christ.

believer, ny (June 7, 2013)
I agree all the above.
sanjari (June 7, 2013)
who cares for his veiled threats, what will he write ? and if people buy into his writings,we know for sure they belong to the same class as valan,because no educated believer will fall prey to his whimsical fancies. pcnak,no matter what valan writes,will go as per schedule and people will witness a great move during the days of the conference, prayer can move the mountains and all faithfuls are requested to stand firm in faith and pray that God will work in a new way. Finally readers, please discern the spirit that is inside valan guiding him,no matter what,one thing is assured,we serve a god who forgives and forgets, because,jesus paid a price to redeem us and i thank god,that all our readers feel completely secured to reach out to him without feeling threatened and there is none greater than him. god bless you all
thomas, new york (June 7, 2013)
Dear People of God.Read latest threat to all believers&pastors from valan.He is challenging the freedom of evry American citizen to attend spiritual gathering&threatening the right of each American citizen.In short he is saying, we cant exercise our rights given by the American constitution,if we do so,he wil shame our name by publishing articles about us, our spouses, kids, friends and families.Are we allowing ourselves to be controlled by a single person? One thing i know, if we dont stand against such blackmails and threats in our community,v r basically handing ourselves to b controlled by Satan, rejecting the authority of believer and ripping of our rights given by the American constitution.Lets us unite. If he has some thing to write,write and leave it for the people to decide their fate.This is first degree blackmail and threat to our constitutional rights. If we keep silent, this is going to affect every gathering we have in future. This wont stop and we all wil become victims
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