Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 11, 2013
Views: 30211
Please take this guy to Oolanpara ASAP!!.
kwKXn Dufmdtkmtbm? F Xesn Xs a sskneqsS H hnZzm apdbnXv Nnescnepw hmbnpImatm. ]s t^m tIknt\mfpw hnNn{XambmWv Cu am\y CXns\ Nn{XoIcnncnXv. CXnt\msSmw tImSpncn FIvkv Hm.]n.F bpsS ]pXnbXmbnv h Fv Cu {ioam AhImisSp hm ASap _neothgvkv tPWens Amvsav ]cntim[nm Dufmdbntev hokm InnbncnXv BmWv hmb\mmv a\knemw.
hmb\mmsS Adnhntev...
Cu ]dbp FIvkv Hm ]n F bpsS hm 2012 Im\Umbn \S tIm^knt\mSv A_nv _neothgvkv tPWen h hmbmWv. kwibw Dh Hm ]n F hmbpsS CSXp hip I XobXnbpw h}kpw ]cntim[nI. Pq 29, 2012 Fv ImWm km[nw. C\nbpw AtX t]Pn Xs hep hipIm _nenthgvkv tPWens Idv Cjphnse XnbXnbpw ]cntim[nI. Pq 1, 2013 Fv ImWm km[nw. AXn\w 2012se ]gb \qkv FSpv 2013se tPWens ]pXnb Cjphn ]Xnhp t]mse tam^nwKv sNbvXv [oc ]mShw sNXncnIbmWv. sh_v sskns\dnv bmsXmcdnhpw Cm Ch adp]Sn Alnnm Fnepw IIYIfneqsSbpw DuapIfneqsSbpw Cs\bmWv P\sf sXn[cnnXv FXv hmb\m AdntbXmWtm.
_nenthgvkv tPWens sskmb s_tP.tImw F sskns BZys t]Pn sebnv slUvsse Bv Bn FXns Ghpw Xmsg {]ohnbkv 1 apXen t]PpIfptS sse\n Hm Fv t_mIvkv nv sNptm Cu alm ]dbp FIvkv H. ]n. F Spw_ kwKaw F hm \n ImWmw. BcynbpsS kzw sskn 2012 Pq 29\v {]Xys hm XsbmWv. AXv hymP hm A icnbmb hm XsbmWv. AXv Bw apnbnnm tm. . B hm AhnsS Xsbpv. C\nbpw Fnepw Imf s]p IbsdSps coXn \npXs tN \Xv. {ioams AXsImmWv Cs\ kw`hnsXv ]ew Fs AdnbnIbpmbn. C\nbpw hmb\mm Xoam\nI Dufmdbntev \ InnbncnXv BmsWv.
i think the murippel and kalu thoma are behind most of the tsb reporting. they along with the master minds rev hosse, mone and chatti.. are working so hard to damage pcnak.. i just dont understand whats wrong with them. they "think" that are the so called somebodys of the pente world. but in reality-- they are just cowards, and manipulators and just losers. -- these guys dont even have a good family life and are an absolute disgrace to our community... next time lets look into moneys and chattis and hosse's face and tell them-- " you are an absolute fraud" we should scream on their faces. " fraud-- run baby run