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cmjv{Sobhpw s]s´t¡mkvXpImcpw hn. Fkv tPmbnbpw

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Mar 23, 2012
Views: 17983

Politics, Pentecostals and V.S Joy.
s]mXp kaql¯n \n¶v F¶pw amdn k©cn¡p¶hcmWv s]s´t¡mkvXpImÀ. kzbw DÄhenbp¶ PohnIsft¸mse kaql¯nse {]iv\§fn \n¶pw AI¶pamdphm\mWv \½psS kaqlw F¶pw {ian¨ncp¶Xv. {InkvXphns\bÃmsX asäm¶pw Adnbm¯hsc¶ \mSyt¯msS kIe cmjv{Sob¡fnIfpw k`bn \S¯p¶Xn hncpXpIm«n. cmjv{Sobw ]m]amsW¶ ]Tn¸n¡epIÄ IqSnbmbt¸mÄ \½Ä CXn \ns¶Ãmw AI¶p. F¶m cm{job¡msc shÃp¶ cmjv{Sobw Ifn¡pIbpw A´ÊnÃm¯ \nebnepÅ cmjv{Sob¡fnIÄ¡p t\XrXzw sImSp¡pIbpw sN¿p¶hcmbn \½psS t\Xm¡·mÀ amdn. \½psSbnSbn \n¶ Npcp¡w NneÀ cmjv{Sob cwK¯ps­¶Xv hnkvacn¡p¶nÃ. F¶m Hcp ]cn[nbv¡¸pdw Dbcp¶Xn\v AhÀ¡mÀ¡pw km[n¨n«nÃ. ImcWw cmjv{Sob¡mcpsS DbÀ¨bv¡pw Øm\mÀ°nXz¯n\pw Hs¡ DXIp¶ kmapZmbnI ]n´pW s]s´t¡mkvXcmb cmjv{Sob¡mÀ¡v \½psS kaqlw \ÂIp¶nà F¶XpXs¶. Hcn¡Â CSXp]£s¯ hfsc {]apJ\mb Hcp t\Xmhv Cu teJIt\mSpw kplr¯nt\mSpw ]dª hmNIw ChnsS D²cn¡s« ""\n§Ä s]s´t¡mkvXpImÀ aäp ]e k`¡mtc¡mfpw IqSpXep­v. ]t£ \n§Ä NnXdnInS¡p¶hcmWv. AXpsIm­v c£s]Sm³ km[yXbpw IpdhmWv.'' cmjv{Sob¡mÀ¡pt]mepw s]s´t¡mkvXnsâ AhØ Xncn¨dnbm³ Ignbp¶p­v F¶m \½pt¡m? sI. Fkv. bp. {]knUâmbn sXcsªSp¡s¸« hn. Fkv. tPmbn Zn s]s´t¡mkvXv anj\nse AwKamWv F¶Xv AÛpXIcw Xs¶. kaql¯n \n¶v Gähpw AI¶p \n¡p¶Xpw cmjv{Sobhpw aäpw Gähpw hne¡pIbpw sN¿p¶ Hcp hn`mK¯n \n¶pÅ HcmÄ Cu Øm\s¯¯nbncn¡p¶p F¶XmWv {it²bw. Fsâ a\:km£n¡pw hnizmk¯n\pw FXncmbn H¶pw sN¿nà F¶ hn. Fkv. tPmbnbpsS {]kvXmh\ PohnX¯n {]tbmKnIXe¯n Ahkm\t¯mfw km[yam¡m³ kÀÆià³ Ir] \ÂIs« F¶p {]mÀ°n¡mw. {InkvXob km£yhpw hnizmkhpw \jvSs¸Sp¯msX cmjv{Sob {]hÀ¯\w \S¯p¶Xn sXänÃ. kaql¯nsâ apJy[mcbnte¡v \mw Cd§ns¨ÃWw. temI¯n\v shfn¨ambpw D¸mbpw kaql¯n {]hÀ¯n¸m³ Ignªm AhnsSbmWv ssZh\maw alXzs¸Sp¶Xv. tLmc tLmcw {]kwKn¡pIbpw AXn\p hn]coXamb PohnXw \bn¡pIbpw Øm\am\§Ä¡mbn hy¯nsI« cmjv{Sob¡fnIÄ¡v ap¶n \n¡pIbpw sN¿p¶ \½psS t\Xm¡·mtc¡mÄ F´psIm­pw t`ZamWv cmjv{Sob¡mÀ. X§Ä Adnª kXy¯n \n¶psIm­pw aqey§Ä¡pth­nbpw AgnaXns¡Xncmbpw kam[m\¯n\mbpw \nesImÅphm³ \½psS bphP\§Ä¡p Ignbpw. Hcp amä¯nsâ ImeamWnXv. s]s´t¡mkvXv k`IÄ Cu \nebn F{X \mÄ ImWpw F¶v BÀ¡dnbmw. IÀ¯mhv hcphm³ Xmakn¨m ]camh[n Hcp Ccp]Xv hÀj¯n\pÅn s]s´t¡mkvXp k`IfpsS cq]w amdpw. ImcWw XIÀ¨bpsSbpw aqeyÑypXnbpsSbpw thKX A{X IqSpXemWv. kaql¯n\v Aev]sa¦nepw \· sN¿m\pw {InkvXphnsâ km£nIfmIm\pw e`n¡p¶ Ahkcw sNdp¸¡mÀ¡v hn\ntbmKn¡phm³ ]äpsa¦n \mw F´n\v ]coi·mcmIWw.


Displaying 3 Comments
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mat (March 26, 2012)
glad to see a pentecostal minded youth getting a leadership position in a political party. but there are 2 issues. we all know, kerala politics is too dirty and corrupted. we have to wait and see, what difference joy can make

but main issue is, tpm is not a mainline pentecostal church.

we need to categorize tpm as a cult group. most of their doctrines are not biblical. so i cannot understand why our pentecostals media give tpm news and coverage.

on one hand our pentecostal media criticize new generation churches. that is good, but accommodate a cult group like tpm ?

is this double standard ??
sam mathew (March 26, 2012)
It is really appreciable and proud to be in a leadership in politics and worldly Govt. But a separated for God if go behind these attractions surely he will have to have a prayer in essence as pronounced by Naaman in 2 Kings,5 : 18.
cherian (March 26, 2012)
Pentecostals study and become IFS/IAS and IPS officers. They can work efficiently in Government and for the public. Working in politics is not a bright idea according to the word of God. Favoritism is always there in politics which is against the will of God. As we all know politics is so corrupted, it is hard for a politician to stay

without corruption even though we know couple of MP's and MLA's who are not corrupted.
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