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Rules - For who and why. The partiality and politics played by the Indian Pentecostal Church (IPC)
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Apr 24, 2012
Views: 19943

Rules - For who and why. The partiality and politics played by the Indian Pentecostal Church (IPC).
]m(?) cmPq hn

tbmKyX am\Zw adnISv sFUn ImUpw HmUnt\j\pw Gcnbbpw Hs [mcmfw t] ssIemptm Fkv. Fkv. F. kn. Pbnn F t]cn ]phjw sF. ]n. knbn ip{iqj sNbvXnpw tKmUv^mZ CmXn\m kphntijI cmPqhn\v sF. ]n. knbpsS AwKoImcan.

\nbaw DmnbXv Fn\p thnsb tNmZyn\v Hcph ]d adp]Sn C{]Imcambncpp. ewLnpXn\pthnsb Ahs adp]Snbn FmaSnbncnpp. k`Ifn Imem Imefn Dmnbncnp \nba ]mensSptm Xs AXv Hcphs\ CmXmm\pXmIcpXv. hf hgnbneqsS Imcy km[npIbpw As\ Xs Imcy m]nX Xm¸cymw \SnsImSppIbpw sNp t\XmmcpsS apn t\cmb amw am{Xw kzoIcnsnbm Fs\bmIpw Fv Adnbphm Cu IY tIġpI.

CXv kphntijI cmPp hn. hbv 35, aqp IpnIfpsS ]nXmhv. UnnK kztZin. sNdnb {]mbn Bepgbnsen. {]mYanI hnZym`ymkw am{Xw. 1991 cnsp. 1992 ]m G{_lmw tPmns ssIogn kv\m\sp. Cu Imev 2 hjw Bepg Im XntbmfPn kvIqfn thZ]T\w \Sn ]T\ Imew apX 2003 hsc ]m G{_lmw tPmns\mw skdns Soan {]hnp. 2003 hnhmltijw Xncph\]pcsn. ]m ]n. Fw. tPmks k`bn Aknv ]mdmbn. 2005 apX 2008 hsc ]m kmapth kn tPmk^ns sF. ]n. kn. Xncph\]pcw shv skdnse ]mtemSv k`bpsS ip{iqjI Cu Imebfhn sk ]n. ssh. ]n. F. {]knUmbpw {]hnp. 2009 apX tamSv F ]pXnb the ev {]hnpp. 30 t]tcmfw kv\m\sp. 65 e[nIw t] cnsp.

Ctlw sF.]n knbpsS ip{iqjIs\ AwKoImcn\pw sFUn ImUn\mbpw Ip\mSv \S Chyqhns\nbtm `cWN{Iw Xncnph Ctlns At] shn. ImcWw 10 mw mv Pbnnn. \nbaw Xe\mgnI Iodn Cu kphntijIs\ aSnbb Iuknen Xs 10mw mv ]mmImh ImUp t\SnsbpXv ckIcw. Bmsf t\SpXpw t]cp IfsSpmXpw BobXbpsampw ChnsS tbmKyXbmIpn. sF. ]n. knbn 10mw mp ]mkmImhv ImUpsImSpmdnt? hfhgnbneqsS Gcnb sImSpnnt? \nbaw Fn\mWv? AunwKns F_nknUn Adnbmhcpw {]mYanI hnZym`ymkanmhcpw tImSnWn\p cq] ssIImcyw sNp k`bpsS {SjddmIpp. 3000 ]mamsc `cnp FIvknIyqohv m\nIġpw As\sbn tht Hcp an\naw Izmfn^ntj.

B Fkv. ]nbnse F. F. Aknkv asmcphs Fkv. Fkv. F. kn. _pv ASnpamnbXn\v tImSXn tIskSpXv CubSpmWv. Fm D kXyw ]dv t\cmb amn hXn\m kphn. cmPp. hn. AwKoIcnsn. Ccmv sImSpm Hcp ImUpw sF. ]n. knbnent? ]mdmIm ]n. Pn. ]TnWsa \nbaa\pkcnv ]mdmbhsc{X t]cpv?

ss__n tImfPn ]TnmsX Xs D]tZinbmb anSpmsp ]n. Pn? ChnsS hgnI ]eXpv AXneqsS t]mbm ImUpw Inpw HmUnt\j\pw Inpw Gcnbbpw Inpw. ]mhw cmPp D]tZin Fdnbpp?


Displaying 5 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
babu (May 4, 2012)
Church of God is not way behind in politics, corruption,envy, destructive behaviour, ungodliness.
epchacko (April 27, 2012)
athaa mone ipc.. paisa undooo....petti pidikkaamo...koode nikkumo...mattavante chaaran aakamo... enkil mone pastorum aakkum ordinationum therum
a. s. mathew (April 25, 2012)
Since we are living in an educated world, it is preferable to have education for the Ministers. However, this discrimination is totally out of place and not Biblical at all. When I see the letter-head full of degrees of some people, it creates total confusion. Years back, those people who got M.Div and M Th from Union Theological seminary in New York, but now that is issued in many street corner Bible Colleges in India without any proper academic affiliation. How many of JESUS's disciples had great education? There was educated people at that time, but only one person "Luke" was a doctor. How many of the old time Pentecostal leaders were greatly educated? How many college and High school graduates had at that time in the leadership position? God can use, both the educated and street people without any education for the kingdom business, but they must pass the test of humility-obedience and saintly life.
kochappan (April 24, 2012)
if you have 500 dollars you can be a ipc pastor. no need of bible college eduction or anything. there are many ipc ministers like that in the us. the idiotic leaders in ipc have become so greedy for money and they are not for the church or faith.
sabu thomas (April 24, 2012)
Excellent! You have brought up an issue that should be discussed. The leadership is not concerned about pastors, churches and believers. They are more in to politics and safeguarding their own positions. When his issue was brought up, where was pr Abraham George. He is member of Presbytory that interviewed pr Raju. What happened to Dr Philip p Thomas, neduvelil Shibu, pres k m Joseph and k c Thomas. Church requires a drastic change, a change of leadership, change of ministerial priorities, change of vision.
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