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PosI A¦nfnsâ ]m«pw ASn¨pamän

Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Apr 23, 2012
Views: 18902

Song of GK Uncle is also stolen.
Ip«nIfpsS {]nbs¸« PosI A¦nfns\ \n§fdnbptam? apXnÀ¶hÀ¡pw kp]cnNnX\mWv tPmÀÖv tImin ssae{] F¶ Cu A\p{KloX ssZhZmk³. ]{X {]hÀ¯\cwK¯v, ss{IkvXh kmlnXy cwK¯v, ss{IkvXh Km\ kmlnXy cwK¯v FÃmw X\Xmb hyànap{Z ]Xn¸n¨ BfmWv. HdnPn\teXv Uyq¹nt¡äv GXv F¶ ]c¼csb¡pdn¨pÅ A`n{]mbw Adnbn¨ At±lw Xsâ A\p`h§fpw CXnt\mS\p_Ôn¨pÅXv ]¦nSpIbp­mbn. {]kn²amb ]e Km\§fpsSbpw cNbnXmhmb Ct±l¯nsâ ""\o aXn F³ tbipth'' F¶ Km\w AävemâbnepÅ dh. hnÃyw G{_lmw ASn¨pamänbXmWv AXn {][m\w. tPmfn G{_lmw ]mSnb ]m«pIfS§nb ""kaÀ¸Ww'' F¶ knUnbn Cu Km\¯nsâ cNbnXmhmbn tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶Xv hnÃyw G{_lmansâ t]cmWv. A_²¯n kw`hn¨XÃmsb¶v sXfnbn¡pamdv sFUnb ÌmÀ knwKÀ s^bnw ZpÀ¤ ]mSnb ]m«pIfS§nb ""\o aXn Fs¶ tbipth'' F¶ knUnbnepw CtX t]cp Xs¶bmWv tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶Xv. Atacn¡bnte¡pÅ Xsâ bm{Xbn Aävemâmbn dh. hnÃyans\ Xncsª¦nepw I­pIn«nbnÃmsb¶v tPmÀÖv tImin ssae{] ]dªp. dh hnÃyw G{_lmans\ ImWphm³ hfsc B{Klaps­¶dnbn¨v Ct±lt¯mSv AXv F´n\msW¶p tNmZn¨t¸mÄ e`n¨ adp]Sn ckIcambncp¶p. Xsâ ]m«v hnZKvZambn ASn¨pamänb hnÃyans\ A`n\µn¡m\msW¶mWv s]m«n¨ncnbpsS AI¼SntbmsS ]dªXv.

Xsâ PohnX¯nse ckIcamb asämcp A\p`hhpw Ip«nIfpsS {]nbs¸« Pn. sI. A¦nÄ ]¦nSp¶p. Hcn¡Â Ip«nIfpsS Hcp t{]mKman ]s¦Sp¯psIm­v tÌPnencn¡pt¼mÄ asämcp hyàn AhnsS Ip«nIsf Km\w ]Tn¸n¡p¶p. Xsâ kz´w Km\w hnIeamb SyqWn ]Tn¸n¡p¶XptI«v hnjat¯msS Ccp¶p. Km\w ]Tn¸n¨psIm­ncp¶ hyàn AXv AbmÄ FgpXnb Km\amsW¶v AXn\nSbn ]dbp¶Xp tI«t¸mÄ sR«nt¸mbn. Cu Km\¯nsâ Syq¬ CXv AÃtÃm F¶v At±lt¯mSv ]dªt¸mÄ At±l¯nsâ adp]Sn CXmbncp¶p. F{Xtbm hÀjambn Rm³ CXv ]Tn¸n¡p¶p. hÀj§Ä¡p ap¼v Km\w FgpXnb F\nbv¡v AXnsâ SyqWpw Adnbmw. Fsâ Km\amsW¶v At±lt¯mSv hmZn¡phmt\m Xncn¯phmt\m t]mbnÃ.

CXn\p ap¼pXs¶ Cd§nb ]e ]m«p]pkvXI§fnepw cNbnXmhnsâ Øm\¯v Fsâ t]cv tNÀ¯n«p­mbncp¶p. tPmÀÖv tImin ]dªp \nÀ¯n. \qtdmfw Km\§Ä Ip«nIÄ¡mbn cNn¨ {io. tPmÀÖv tImin Fgp]¯©ne[nIw {InkvXob Km\§fpw cNn¨n«p­v. \o aXn F³ tbipth, BÀ¸n³ \mZw, ssZhkvt\lw sNmÃm³ BhnsÃ\n¡v XpS§nbh {]kn²§fmWv. {Klmw sÌbn³kpw Ip«nIfpw HdoÊbn Aánbv¡v Ccbmbt¸mÄ AXnsâ ]Ým¯e¯n FgpXnb Cchn³ CcpÄ \nc XocpIbmbn F¶ Km\w aebmfn a\ÊpIfn hfsc kzm[o\w sNep¯nb {]kn²Km\amWv.


Displaying 3 Comments
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eldo kalamassery (September 14, 2012)
Ninte Puthappu chodikkunnavanu ninte vastravum kodukkuka....Suffering is the right of Christians...Write more and more..dear brother.
s john (April 27, 2012)
The famous song "Ee geham vittu pokilum" is written by K.V Issac. But some other Pastor put claim over it.
s john. (April 26, 2012)
If you contact Evangelist K.V Issac at Peechi, he also will have a similar story to tell !!
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