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FUn-tm-dn-b : kzX-{-ambn Nnn-pI : kmwIpn amXyp (No^v FUn-)

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 6, 2011
Views: 13127

Think freely - Editorial by Chief Editor.
kzmX-{y-ns hne `mc-X-nse ]pXnb Xe-ap-dbvv th{X a\-n-em-In. Fm ASn-a-I-fm-bn-cp ]qo-I \S-nb kzmX{yka-chpw AXn-\mbn Ah \evInb hnebpw F{X-h-ep-Xm-Wv. Poh \evInbpw ]oV-\--tfp hmnbpw Ah `mc-X-n\v kzmX{yw t\Sn-sIm-Sp-p. Fm Cs Xe-apd AXns hne a\-n-em-msX ]e-cmepw \bn--s-Sp-I-bm-Wv. Ah-cpsS akvXnjvIw B[p-\n-I-X-bpsS amkva-cn-I-X-bn ]Wbw shn-cn-p-p. AhcpsS Nn-Isf \bn-p-Xv W `wKp-c-amb ]e-Xp-am-Wv. kzX-{-ambn Nnn-p-hmt\m {]hn-p-hmt\m Ign-bm--hw Ah-cpsS Nnm-[m-c-Isf \io-I-cW in-I hne-bvp-hm-n-bn-cn-p-p. CXn-\m Xs Agn-a-Xnbpw Kpm-bn-k-hp-sams Cv bph Xe-ap-d-bpsS CS-bn AwKo-I--cn--s-p-Ignp. {]Xn-I-cW tijn \jvS-s Hcp Xe-ap-d-bmbn Ah hf-cp-I-bm-Wv.

ba-\nepw ss\Po-cn-bmbnepw Hs \S-p kzmX-{yk-acn\p ]nn B P\-Xsb DWp Nn-I-cm-Wv. Fgp-p-I-fn-eqsSbpw {]kw-K--fn-eq-sSbpw kzX{y-ns Bthiw Hcp P\-Xbn Ah Ipn-sh-bvp-I-bmWv.kzX-{-amb Nnbn\nv Dcp-n-cn-bp Bi-b- Ahsc \bn ASn-aXz in-I-fn \npw hnSp-X-en-\m-bp Bth-i-ambn amdpp.

Hcp ssZh-ss]-X-ens Pohn-X-nse Bob kzmX{yw F{X hep-Xm-Wv. ]nim-Nns ASn-a-Xz-n \npw {InkvXp \s kzX-{-cm-n. C\n ASna \pI-n \mw IpSp--cp-Xv. kzX-{-ambn Nnn-p-hm\pw ssZh-h-N-\-
n-\-\p-kr-X-amb kzmX{yw \ne-\np-hm\pw \apv Ign-b-Ww. \psS akvXn-jvI-sf Agn-aXn hoc-mcpw Zpcm-{K-ln-Ifpw Zpcp-]-tZ-jvSm--m-cp-ambhv Fn\v ]W-b-s-Sp--Ww. Ah hoip apXp shnmin\v \ \s ASn-a-I-fm-tWm? Chn-sS-bmWv kzX-{-amb Nn-Iġv {]m[m\yw hcp--Xv. A[n-Imc Itk-c-I Xe-ap-d-Iġmbn Nc-Xn-p-sh-bvp A`n-\h Bob N{I-hn-amsc \mw Fn\v Npa--Ww. ]mh-s hnizm-kn-I-fp-sSbpw D]-tZ-in-am-cp-sSbpw t]cn ]ncnsSpp ]Ww-sImv aWn-am-fn-I sIn-sm-p-Ibpw BVw-_-c- Im-dn \S-p-Ibpw Ftp-I hmn-q-p-Ibpw tPn Bo-I-X-bpsS apJw aqSnbWn-bp-Ibpw ItkcbpsS A[n-Imcw ]mh--fpsS ta {]tbm-Kn-p-Ibpw sNp B[p-\nI tKl-kn-amsc \msa-n\v AwKo-I-cn--Ww. Nm-hm sImv Bebw ipo-I-cn tbip-{In-kvXp-hns ]nKman-I-fmb \mw IpXn-Im shn-eqsS Itk-c-bn Ib-dp {Zhy- Zm-k-msc Fn\v Npa--Ww. ChnsS thXv am-am-Wv. AXv imco-cn-I-amb t]mcm--a adnv Bi-b--fn-eq-sSbpw A`n-{]m-b--fn-eq-sSbpw {]m-\-bn-eq-sSbpw \mw {]tbm-Kn-t--Xm-Wv. Bo-b-sa-Xv Xe-Ip-\nv HmOvNm-\np \n¡p-X-. adnv t_m[y-ġp-thn Ddp \n¡p--Xm-Wv.

B a\p-jy \o Xs-sbp ]d-bp {]hm-N-Is in-bm-Wv Cu \mfn Bh-iyw. X-fpsS Imcy km[y-n-\mbn \s \bn-p-hm Ccw I]S Bob t\Xm--msc \mw Fn\v A\p-h-Zn--Ww. kzX-{-amb NnbneqsS \mw \bn--s-S-s. ImcWw kzmX{yw \Inb {InkvXp Bh-iy-s-Sp-Xv \mw C\nbpw ASn-a-\p-I-n IpSp--cp-sX-m-Wv. \mY hcm ka-b-ambn. Ah IWp Xop Zn\hpw apn-epv FXv ad-m-Xn-cn-p-I.


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kunjachan (April 12, 2011)
we are looking the apologetics movement with great expectation. But see, all leaders who are guiding their congregations in compromise to the worldly religions and caring their own positions to be intact are leading these meetings too. The result will be " Vanchi 'eppozhum' thirunakkare thanne". The same technique Bishops played during 1990s to control the Charismatic movement and to keep their interests intact. It is just as a politician immersed in corruption is loudly speaking " I will never allow any corruption in my country". people will expect some thing will happen. But nothing; corruption will grow under him calmly. Remember, Scripture cannot be reforged to the interest of anybody.
joy chembakasseril, usa. (April 9, 2011)
we need a calculator now to find the total of 2+2, we need a gps to go anywhere! before, all of this was a mental exercise, the "minds has become stagnant" now! a reason why we still have to deal with many outdated and philistine norms and principles in church and society! a sizable section of younger generation who is supposed to carry on the baton of progression for social objectives has lost their terrain of thought and is a bunch of balmy and aberrant individuals, this is reflecting on their spiritual life too! bro: samkutty paranjhathu poole---- " swathanthramaayee chinthikkuvaanoo prravarthikkuvaanoo kazhiyaathhavannam avarudeea chinthadharakaleea nassheekarana sakthikall vilakku vaaghirikkunnu " its very important the 'freedom of thought' in spiritual life too! a child of god should watch out for satan's traps and techniques and should be able to maintain a spirit filled life based on the word of god! " swathanthramaayee chinthikkuka " a thought provoking article
exodustolife (April 8, 2011)
Editorial is an eye opener . But there is no practical solution to guide & fix believers in the freedom in Christ. Yet a separation strictly according to the scripture from the so called separated is the urgent need of the time for those who love God and expect to be included in the rapture. Beljourn can have an important role in this target.
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