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CXv em-Icw (FUn-tm-dn-b)

This is Shameful (Editorial)
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Apr 21, 2011
Views: 12739

This is Shameful (Editorial).
Hcp sXc-s-Spv Imew IqSn Ign-p. CSXp ]hpw he-Xp-]-hpw Xn-ep t]m cn BmWv hnP-b-sa--d-bp-hm C\nbpw Imn-cn--Ww. Btcm-]W {]Xym-tcm-]-W- fpw sNfn-hm-cn-sb-dn-ep-ambn sXc-s-Spp cwKw sImgp-p. Cu n ]mn-Ifpw kwL-S\I fpw Fmw I-S-I-nse Rmq-ens\ t]mse Xe-bp-bn. Iq-n s]-tm-kvXn s t]cnepw Nne ]{X-fpw IS-emkp kwL-S-\-Ifpw cwn-d-n--fn-p. Nne ]pn-Ifm-Is Ccp-]--n-\p-th-nbpw \-sabv hg--tmsS Ifn-p. CS-Xp-]-s s]mn-sb-gp-Xn-sm-n-cp Xncp-h-bnse Hcp ]{X-m-c sXc-s-Sp-n he-Xp-]--n-\mbn Hcp ew amn-h-p. ]v s]-tm-kvX CSXp ]mf-b-n-em-sWv {]N-cn-n--h-cnse Cu {]ap-J\v Ctm am\-km-cw hpthm Ftm?

dmn-bn \npw {]kn-n-I-cn-p ""ss{IkvX-h-[mc'' CS-Xp-]--n-\mbn Hcp t]Pv kn-san-d-n. he-Xp-]w ]cm-Xn-bp-am-sb-n-b-tm heXp ] -n-\mbpw kn-sa-nd-nsb-nepw hnX-cWw sNm Ign-bmsX

dmn-bnse asmcp t\Xmhv Xs ]{X-ns aonw-Kn CS-Xp-] m\mnsb tXm¸n--W-sa-m-lzm\w sNp-Ibpw AtX Znhkw Xs CSXp ] m\mn-sbbpw sIm v apf-p-g-bnse k`m Bm-\v Fp-Ibpw sNbvXp. Cm kwL-S-\-bpsS t]cn Bm-X-\mb tUm. eqtm-kns {]kvXm-h-\bpw ]{X--fnepw Nm\-ep-Ifn-ep-sa-n.

cmjv{So-b-m-tc-m sabv hg--tmsS cmjv{Sobw Ifn-p Ccw ]{X-mcpw t\Xm--mcpw Hcp kaq-ls apgp-h-\mbn Hn-sm-Sp-p-I-bm-Wv. s]s-tmkvXv kaqlw Ccw Imcy--fn CS-s]-tS--h-c-. Hcp kaq-ls apgp-h kzm[o-\n-bvp-hmt\m Xs \nt-im-\p-k-cWw thmp sNn-p-hmt\m Ign-bp Hcp t\Xmhpw Chn-sS-bn-. s]s-tm-kvXp-Im Bcp-sSbpw Np-I--f F kXyw ad--cp-Xv. Bp-thmp sN-W-sav Btem-Nnp Xocp-am-\n-bvp-hm\pw a\:kmn--\p-ky-X-ambn X-fpsS Ah-Imiw hn\n-tbm-Kn-bvp-hm-\p-ap {]_p-X Ahp-sv C-c-m Hmp-Xv \v.

Bo-b-Xbpw cmjv{So-bhpw Hcn-epw tNp t]mIp--X-. cpw AXns hgnp \o-s. \mSn\p {]tbm-P-\-s-Sp--h, amXr-I-bp--h, Agn-a-Xn-bn-m--h \nba k`-bn-se-s AXn\p In-cm-jv{So-b-t-m {]m[m\yw Dm-I-Ww. Fm Bob t\Xm--m cmjv{Sobnen-S-s-Sm ]mSn. cm jv{SobmcpsS kzm[o-\ h-e-b-n k`m t\Xm--mcpw hog-cp-Xv. Ccp ]-n-\mbpw cwK-s-p--h Imp Im]Syw P\w Xncn--dnbp-p. Bcp Pbn-mepw X-fpsS klmbpw D sp hcp-n-om-\p hy{K-X. Fm Cq- ]d-m kz-Ip-Spw-_-nse thms-nepw Inptam FmWv kwi-bw. kphn-tijw {]kw-Kn-p-Ibpw {]N-cn-n-p-Ibpw sNt--h AXp sN-s. kzm em`hpw {Zhym-{Klhpw eyamn \S-p tIm{]m-b- kaq-l-ns aty \p sS kaq-l-ns hne CSn-bvp-I-bm-Wv. As\ sNp--h ad-m-Xn-cn-pI CXv em-I-c-am-Wv.


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joy chembakasseril, usa. (April 21, 2011)
" paksheea puuchhakkea aaruu manikettum" !the socio conscience has been so polluted by the 'todays politicalism' thereby if you are not a party to any political party you are not going to land anywhere, trying to do social service, by being in an elected office, 'cause majority of the votes are being cast on political-party basis. a person who interferes with matters of a 'raastram' [nation] automatically becomes a 'raastreeyan'. in my opinion its not becoming a 'raastreeyan' that really matters, but the way they conducts themselves as a 'raastreeyan' that matters! "naadinnu prayoojanamullavar, maathirkayullavar, aazhimathiyillaatthavar, mathha neeadaakkal, neeyama sabhayil ethhanamenghil____ nomination thanne veenom! there is no other way, 'cause the socio arena is so overwhelmed by the, 'todays politicalism'!
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