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TPM believer V.S Joy is KSU president
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 23, 2012
Views: 53741

TPM believer V.S Joy is KSU president.
\neq: tIm{Kns hnZymnhn`mKamb tIcfm pUvkv bqWnb (sI. Fkv. bp) tv {]knUmbn hn. Fkv. tPmbn sXcsSpsp. \neq FcpaKp henb]mSv tkhydnsbpw adnbmbpsSbpw aqpafn cma\mWv tPmbn. \neq Z s]stmkvXv anj k`mwKamb hn. Fkv. tPmbn F. F. _n. _ncpZw t\Snb tijw Ctm Fw. Fkv. Uyq hnZymnbmWv. tdma Itmenm kapZmbn \nv Ac \qmtmfw apv s]stmkvXv hnizmkntev h IpSpw_amWv CtlntXv. s]stmkvXv k`m {]h\fn kPohamb hn.Fkv. tPmbn tIcfnse cmjv{Sob cwKv Hcp s]stmkvXpImc CXphscbpw FnsSphm km[nmXncp ]ZhnbnemWv FnbncnpXv.


Displaying 49 Comments
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jm (February 18, 2024)
A true child of God is not supposed to entangle himself in the affairs of this life (especially politics). Everybody quotes "Daniel in Babylon was into politics." This is sheer ignorance. In that land of captivity, he was an employee of the Babylonian empire, not a politician. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world." This should be the attitude of every true child of God who wants to be found at the coming of the Lord. Someone has called Joy the "seed of the woman!" This is a blasphemous statement. Christ is the Seed of the woman. And no one else.
p c nelson (February 6, 2015)
i am very happy to know that mr. v s joy has been elected for the post of ksu president. may the god utilise him for the upliftment of the poor and the needy people of kerals. all the best. pulipara nelson chacko, mumbai
sibi (January 28, 2015)
Tpm doctrins realy glorious doctrins
sp (December 22, 2014)
Congratulations Brother Joy. Wish you a happy married life...
roy joseph (December 21, 2014)
Congratulations Brother....May God bless your efforts both in secular and spiritual. May God strengthen your hand to you future endeavors.
christian (December 21, 2014)
3. he is the promise expected by the warriors of faith during the old testament days, but could not receive the promise as mentioned in heb. 11:39. but we received the promise- jesus christ, the redeemer, the sin offering, the sacrifice, the salvation, the way, the truth and the life. his blood removed our sins; through him we receive eternal life. he is born today. jesus is unchanging yesterday, today and forever. yes. it is true. this is a great day to the world, this is a great day to mankind. this is a great day to you and me. this is christmas day. wish you a merry christmas and a very happy new year.
christian (December 21, 2014)
1. He is the seed of woman, whom God mentioned when Adam and Eve- the first man/woman sinned. When the first sin entered into this world, God said unto satan “ I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. “Gen.3:15 2. He is the Prophet mentioned by Moses who commanded Israelites to follow Him. He is the Messiah whom Isaiah prophesized. He is the one whom the men of God waiting for more than 4000 years, starting from Adam to Zacharias- the Priest and the father of John the Baptist. He is the one whom John the Baptist declared that He is the son of God.
christian (December 21, 2014)
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. “ Isaiah 9:6

Yes, today Christ is born- the Messiah is born, Jesus is born, this day is the Most important day in the history of world,this is a day for the World Peace, the world history is rewritten this day 2000 years back. Yes the history is rewritten as Before Christ (BC) and After Christ (AD). If Christ is not born, the history would not have been rewritten. There will be no history at all. He identifies Himself as God who created man. He is one who started the history and who is going to end the history, because He is Alpha and He is Omega- He is the beginning and He is the end
sp (December 17, 2014)
Mr. Christian,

Eventhough you are standing on the Rock, you are part of the organizations like IPC, AG, COG, SFI, or independants..If there is any thing wrong in the doctrines, who is going to argue. Outsiders. No.As part of the church body it is your responsibilty to measure the doctrine or standards of churches.
christian (December 17, 2014)
mr. sp, do not have your own measure or yardstick to measure the standard of the churches either, tpm, ag, or other churches. tbe the bible, the scripture, the word of god shoiuld be our yard stick. accept the wordof the preacher or the pastor, ofr the doctrine of the church if it is as per the word of god or jreject it in the name of jesus. know the truth, the truth will set you free, bible is the only truty. the holy spirit will reveal you the truth and teach you. tpm goes beyond the bible and too extremely and other churches have come closer to the word of god. jesus is the foundation stone. stand on the foundation stone - jesus not on doctrine of tpm or any other church.
christian (December 16, 2014)
congratulations to Mr. Joy. God will exalt you to the highest levels in your political caree. be a witness to Jesus like Joseph, Daniel. God bless you- Christian
christian (December 16, 2014)
But did not ask them to collect tithe. Even after jesus was crucified, there is not even a single incident that the apolstles collected tithe from the believers. Apostle Paul said, i laboured for myself and for those who remained with me with my own hands to feed them. He laboured as a tent maker.
christian (December 16, 2014)
Jesus is the cornerstone of the new testament ministry. The New Testament church is founded upon Jesus. He is the head and the 12 apostles were the foundation stores upon Jesus. But when Jesus started his ministry- he never collected tithe. Nor he asked the disciples to collect tithe from those who become the followers of Christ, / those who took baptism and joined the disciples. During the 3 and halfyears ministry jesus never asked his disciples to collect tithe. When he send the disciples to do the ministry he did command them to go and preach the gospel to the end of this world.
christian (December 16, 2014)
mr. vijayakumar- give to the lord not as tithe, but as offering liberally and without measure. if you give abundantly, you are sowing abundantly and you will reap abundantly. not as tithe but offering, not as a compulsion, but whole hardheartedly. even if you are unable to give do not bother. it is not a sin, not a curse.
christian (December 16, 2014)
mr. vijayakumar-. the church of south india, luthren church, methodist church and cni etc. founded by them even today never collect tithe. the reason is they know that it is old testament law. jesus fulfilled the o.t law. there is no more sacrifice, offering, tithe.we have to pay only alms, and offerings as paul said in corinthians. but our tpm pastors could not understand this fact. if you now circumcise, you have to pay tithe, if you pay tithe you have to circumcise. both are old testament laws. but now we are in the law of grace. there is no limit to give offerings or alms. it may be 2%, 5%, 10%, 20%, or 50%. we are at fault. we are not guided properly by our pastors. if we give tithe we follow ot laws; our pastors are ot priests, they follow law of moses. they lose the grace of christ. give to the lord not as tithe, but liberally and without measure.
christian (December 16, 2014)
mr. vijayakumar

the missionaries visited india sold all their property and established christianity in the nook and corners of india. they established new churches. they spend their own money and their body and sou and spirit. they translated the bible from its original latin and greak in to malayalam, tamil, urudu kannada, and all languages in india. they are not illiterates. they know the meaning of tithe. but they never collected tithe.
christian (December 16, 2014)
tpm church-if you look at the communion services in the centre faith homes; you will find that they look like jesus and disciples, walk like jesus, talk like jesus- they call them as apostles. but the truth is different.
christian (December 15, 2014)
mr. vijayakumar, not very church collects tithe. only the pentecostal churches collect tithe. because they are proud that they are the spirit baptised people. they followed this practice from other churches, seventh day adventists etc. but the ministries which existed in india and world wide never collected tithe.
christian (December 15, 2014)
they the pastors-workers are the most illterate people inside the four walls and rule the most literate people in the world. we worship them than jesus our lord. the chief pastors no1.prerends like god the father, other two deputys like holy spirit and jesus. in the centre faith homes the centre pastor pretends like jesus and the brothers in charge of branch faith homes pretends like 12 apostles, and ammachi and sisters like martha and mary. always there will be a sick person, in each faith home who looks like lazerous.
christian (December 15, 2014)
if you ask them to pray and find the will of god for your son to send to engineering college, they will say no. your son should come to ministry. if your son came with outstanding merit in his iit exam. they will proudly say, it is our believers son. that is tpm. they neither know what the bible says, nor understands the will of god
sp (October 13, 2014)
mr. vijayakumar,

if you go to any christian church, its your responsibilty to pay tithe. even the tpm church is very strict about that. otherwise they cannot build the head quarters in chennai, kottarakkara and other regional church quarters. if you can not pay please say i dont have a vision to pay. if the lord prompt you give for his service. ask the holy spirit to lead you according to his will. we are the people suppose to be guided by the holy spirit. i will pray for you.
v.vijayakumar (October 12, 2014)
Iam vijayakumar converted from hindu when iam 18,attended A.G church for about 4-5 years,i had severe satanic trouble for about 3 years,bcoz some body done witch craft for us,but no body care about my situation in A.G church ,they does not atleast visit me for my suffering after knowing my iam very much frustrated and go to T.P.M. chucrh they cared me like my parents ,i was in that church for long days untill i delivered from witch craft,God gave me deliverence there & they cared me lot,see in internet that T.P.M is cult i came out of that again i am going to A.G. again the pastors not caring me instead they asking money from me,now & then,for this ministry & that ministry. i have no peace of mind,what church i must go i dont know,I dont like A.G church thay r only doing buisness asking money when ever i go to church. i went to T.P.M church for 10 years they does not collect money from me,they only helped me lot in my troubles.
sp (August 6, 2014)
None of the organizational pentecostal churches are better than tpm. But the truth is they have some "yeast" in their doctrine. The organizational pentecostal churches are politically wrong and theologically right. Politics, Money love and Adultry killed our leaders spiritually. Spiriural magnets are trying to be business magnets and business magnets are trying to be spiritual magnets. too sad....
truthteller (August 5, 2014)
i was born into a tpm family and after immigrating to us many years ago, decided not to be associated with them anymore. are they a cult? with the exception of a few topics,they are no more a cult than any ipc or malayalee pentecostal churches. in these many years of having tried these other churches, i have found that the tpm workers are the more godly, dedicated workers than in any other pentecostal denomination, beyond compare!

do i agree with them in everything? no. would i go back? no. let us look at what most malayalee pentecostal organizations have become it is a shame! i would not go to any of them either!! take out the rod in your eye before you point out the spec in others eye!

thepraize (July 23, 2014)
@ sonia philip :- i still dont get it,what has religion to do with ruining your marriage,i believe marriage is union of souls than union of religion (i may be wrong)unless your love has not won his soul :(
sonia philip (July 12, 2014)
Marrying to a TPM person has ruined my life as they are people who stands in separating couples ......and not having mdicine...please stay away from these cult sincere advise.
binoy (July 11, 2014)
We need more people standing up for the rights in the national level. Looks like there are so many immature comments posted negatively about TPM which is far from the truth, I believe they are told from their ignorance, may God forgive them as He died for the whole world.
bijoy (May 18, 2014)
This is the one of the dangeros group.goverment has to take action aganist them because they are teaching aganist mariage,medicine.this is the only petacostal people those who are not accepting any christin organizaion.
jubin p george (January 29, 2013)
tpm ministry is the only path which teaches the holy bible deeply. recently, we had a gospel meeting at kalpetta(wayanad) and many non-christians and catholics attended. catholics were much impressed and they told they wish to come but the catholics priest will curse us. tpm saints will not enter into the privacy and freedom of a believer but catholics do. mr. sam mathew wants to criticise tpm saints & believers which will make him respond on the judgement day. anyway, let the name of lord jesus christ be glorified.
a. s. mathew (July 15, 2012)
Brother J.P.Sam: I don't know from where, and through which passage of the Bible, some of these Pastors got this dictating autocratic authority over the believers! When we interact with the American Pastors of any denomination, even though they are respected by the congregation, they try to be far humble and service minded towards the believers. But the story in India is totally different. Pastors of all the denominations, when they are put into the Minister's seat, they are totally wrapped in a new spirit of infallibility and above the law attitude; and the believers are afraid of some divine wrath upon them, if they question the Minister's authoritarian attitude. This might be associated with the undue penetration of the Hindu priestly culture of the Brahmin priestly traditions penetrated in the Christian Churches. I am not talking about all the Christian Ministers in India, but a few belong to this list.
g p sam (July 15, 2012)
i am a tpm believer. they were singing a song about troubles in life. finally they ended up repeating the last stanza many times which showcased the trouble faced by people into a big baloon. i was inspired of god saying that god is bigger than all troubles and troubles in life are send out by satan. therefore today, i testified that god said to me not to repeat the sentence as it was showcasing the troubles and not the almighty god. unfortunately the pastor got angry at me for saying that. so much so for freedom of speech. seems that they have monopolized god and his message and no one can get a message which seems to differ from their opinion. i am really not happy with the whole episode. but i am concerned with their controlling mentality.
joshua (May 21, 2012)
common characteristics of a cult 1. members swear total allegiance to an all-powerful leaders 2. rational thought is discouraged or forbidden. 3. the cult's recruitment techniques are often deceptive.(snatch believers from other churches. this is their main method of evangelism ) 4. the cult weakens the follower psychologically by making him or her depend upon the group to solve his or her problems. 5. the cults manipulate guilt to their advantage. 6. the cult leadership makes all the career and life decision of the members. this clearly proves that tpm is a cult.
v s joy (April 11, 2012)
sabin peter (March 30, 2012)
sam mathew@ bible follow cheyunna churukkam churchukail onnu anu tpm..enthu enkilum vilichu parayunnathinu munpu bible vayeekanam!!
samkutty mathew (March 29, 2012)
ella mangalangalum,god bless you

asher (March 29, 2012)
congratulations v.s joy....all the best.....
johan john (March 29, 2012)
Dear Bro. TPM is not teaching that they are exclusive 144,000. Anyway we are not here for any arguments. Let us live according to the will of God and prepare for his soon coming. Amen
m.a.jose.madampisseril (March 28, 2012)
sammathew,upadesham padikkunnathu nannayirikkum.
mm.a.jose.k.s.a. (March 28, 2012)
poochakku ponnurukkunnidathu enthukaryam.(naam jeevanulla daivathinte aalayamllo
sam mathew (March 28, 2012)
In the comments starting 'kettukelvi.........' please read 'come,here,give and go' as come, hear,give and go.
sam mathew (March 28, 2012)
kettu kelvi alla sahodara, vaasthaqvathilulla arivu thanneyaanu. There is no democratic Pentecostal; but namesake Pentecostal is there misguiding everybody. Election is not biblical. Election and democratic systems are not part of biblical doctrines.

If starting from about '144000 saints' we can see a bunch of false doctrines. There is discipline in tpm as it is a system copied from Roman Catholic Church.Roman Catholics say; come, see, give and go. TPM say come , here, give and go. For both of them, whatever the bible say is not important; but what is taught by the church is infallible.
johan john (March 28, 2012)
Bro Sam Mathew, Do u really know the doctrines and teachings of TPM. If not plz try to understand it first hand rather than hearing from any third party. Also every body knows the what the so called democratic pentocostal churches are doing at the time of elections. Please visit TS Balan site for more info.
sam mathew (March 27, 2012)
Please do not be aggressive br.tpm. tpm teaching and maintenance are more dangerous than Roman Catholics. Roman Catholics have chance to be saved at any time in their life span. But what about those fell in the cult of tpm. many sincere, dedicated and saintly people are there in tpm, but the doctrine they proclaim is dangerous. Sorry please.
thomas u.s.a (March 26, 2012)
Congartulations Joy. All Pentecostals are proud of you
joy george (March 26, 2012)

at least we can expect some democracy and transperency in tpm
benjamin george (March 26, 2012)
What do you know about TPM, Mr. sam mathew? You need to sit down and read bible. Do not make comments based on your stupidity and naive again.
sam mathew (March 25, 2012)
t p m is not a christian segment following the apostolic tradition. their teaching on remission of sins, baptism etc. are different from the real biblical teaching. so the dos' and don't s of pentecostal cannot be rated by the activities of tpm members please.
george (March 25, 2012)
awaiting for the comments from CHEIF PASTORS?
thomas chelleth (March 23, 2012)
i like's status!!i appreciate him!!!

i hope will be the first( from pentecost) mla in kerala state assembly!!
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